Miscarriage or messed up birth control?


New Member
Oct 17, 2018
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Hi everyone,

So I’ve had to switch to a new birth control for finance reasons and have been experiencing some issues. A few weeks into switching, I started to put on weight visibly, my boobs became sore (I could barely lift them into my bra), I got headaches, I was getting nauseous again (I have had problems with this before so I didn’t think twice) and my back was killing me! In this time I did have unprotected sex on this new pill because I was told I could trust it. Because I hadn’t got my period yet and it wasn’t due I wasn’t worried and started putting these weird things down to my pill. Then I was 5 days late for my period and started panicking (I’m only 18 and pregnancy right now is my worst nightmare). I was scared until 5 days late I got my period. Except it was tiny brown spotting. I thought oh chill it’s just old blood. But then the day after I was hit with such intense cramping pain and that I physically threw up. I checked my pad and it was covered (I know this is gross but like I mean leaking out the sides) and it had clots all over it. I sat down and cried until the pain went away about 5 mins later, cleaned myself up and then went about my day. After my period completely lightening up and I’ve not had heavy problems anymore. My boobs stopped hurting but I have gone down with the most awful flu like thing.
After reading a bit online I’m struggling to decide whether this was because my birth control doesn’t agree with me or I got pregnant and (considering I’m 18 I drink and smoke) caused a miscarriage.
Can someone help me please?
V x
All of these things could be attributed to your hormones being out of sync with normal because of the new pill. I’d try not to worry
There's no way to know I'm afraid! I'd agree with Akua, the pill has probably caused all of this.
Even if it was a miscarriage it’s highly unlikely that you caused it so please don’t have that in your head. It’s very common for an egg to become fertilised but just not ‘stick’ and a week or two later it is expelled in what seems like a late heavy period, its often known as a chemical pregnancy. It’s thought up to one in four fertilised eggs will never end up turning in to a viable pregnancy but the hormones of pregnancy are still triggered by fertiisation.
Saying that, it’s unusual to have strong pregnancy symptoms so early on so I would assume it’s down to a rollercoaster of hormones since changing birth control.
Try not to worry and if it happens at your next period go see your doctor. I’m sure when you’re ready to have a baby you won’t have any issues like this x

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