Hi honey,
I am so sorry for your loss, it is very sad.
You will find lots of support here, I hope we can help you through this really sad time. As Kim and Tracey have said, no two mc are the same, but we do really understand how you are feeling and want to help in any way we can.
"Terrified of seeing people and them asking how the pregnancy is going cos I will probably burst into tears! "
Don't be terrified to show your emotions...it can be difficult for people who have not experienced it to understand just how gutting it can be...but talking about your feelings is really healthy and you will find that most people will really understand.
"I have some questions for people who may have been in the same position:
1/ Im getting some severe pains so that I cant even walk at times, is this normal or cause for concern. Im not bleeding that much, just spotting?"
My nurse said that if there is severe pain and /or severe bleeding you must go to A&E straight away. Please don't feel embarrassed about making a fuss...docs will want to help you early , rather than treat someone who is dangerously ill.
I got a lot of strong AF cramps...but combination of ibuprofen, paracetamol and codeine helped that. If you are getting debilitating pain, please go and get checked out just in case there is a complication.
"2/ How soon after the process could we try again safely, I have read it is wise to wait until I have completed one menstrual cycle? "
I have read that too and nurse confirmed it. I have had first AF now and TTC again straight away.
"3/ How long will it take to miscarry naturally or does it depend? "
Again, different for everyone. Mine took about 10 days, but had some weird on off bleeding for a few days at the end. I then got odd bit of blood and/or browny discharge throughout the month after.
"4/ What are the pro's and con's of a d&c? "
I have not had a d&c, I mc naturally both times (not by choice), but if I had a choice I would have chose d&c because bleeding is over quicker. (Although some girls on here have bad experiences with d&c. they are better equipped to answer this.) I did not like natural mc...took ages and was painful and heartbreaking when I passed the sac.
"5/ My boobs are still sore, still got morning sickness etc - how long will this take to pass?"
It took me about a week after I began to mc for symptoms to go. Some people have posted saying they were still getting BFPs up to 7 weeks after. Everyone is different.
I know you must be feeling overwhelmed and very dissapointed at the moment. I hope you come back to see us and let us know how you are getting on...sending you big hugs