Miriam coil


Aug 13, 2010
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Hey :)
I was just wondering if anyone else had a miriam coil before trying to conceive ? I had it out last month, doctor said I could get pregnant straight away, which didnt happen. I then had a messed up period which lasted 9 days !! So Im not sure when the best time is to conceive, so we are just... you know... every day ish. Has anyone been trying for months after having it out ?? Has anyone one had difficulty trying since you had coil out ?
Hey Hun I had the coil had it taken out and fell two cycles later sadly I lost at 8 weeks I then fell two cycles later and sadly lost again I am now pg again taken one cycle since mc and keeping everything crossed!

I haven't heard of any horror storys but I am sure it will poss take a while for the hormones to leave your body! HTH x x x
didnt want to read and run, just wanted to say good luck and like with the pill it takes a bit to leave your system its just a matter of time. Google Cervical Mucus so you can tell when you are ovulating and that may increase your chances xxx
Hey Hun I had the marina coil took out to TTC my 2nd. I had 84 day cycles and found it most frustrating but 3 cycles later I got my BFP. I think if I had joined a forum straight away I would have conceived earlier because I didn't know about fertile signs etc. Hopefully your cycles will settle soon and your not waiting to tong so get your BFP xx
sorry, I dont know what TTC means nor BFP. But thanks all for the reassurance, I think I just need to calm down with the want it right now and just let it happen :)
Sorry hun, TTC = trying to conceive and BFP = big fat positive (positive pregnancy test) xx

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