Mirena coil.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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:) Hi all,

I have posted in the intro forum but thought this forum is more relevant.

Just wondering if any of you ladies have ever had the mirena coil and if so how long? and how long after did it take you to get preggers?

I had my coil removed at the beginning of sept and had it in for near enough 6 years.
Me and my OH haven't been using contraception as we knew we would eventually like another baby at some point. =)

Six weeks after removal I had my first proper period in years,which I was glad of!!

Anyway that was the 8th of nov and it lasted for around 5days,so just waiting to see if af cums this month.

would love to hear any advice,
thanx :lol:
kelly xx
Have not heard of this one before but I think with the coil you become fertile as soon as it is removed.
The first period after removal or after stopping contaceptives is usualy a fake, so the next one should be the real thing unless you get lucky before it arrives!

Yer thats wat the nurse told me that your fertility comes back straight away.
I no its early days but don't wanna become hooked with it all,even though its bloody hard not to!!
Thanks for your reply :)
Hi. Same as you honey! Had mirena coil for 4 years and finally got it out on 20th october (strings went missing, long story). Got what I thought was af 2 days after removal but then got proper af CD35. I was gutted cos thought I was pregnat but When I got af I realised the first one was a fake! So now I'm cd9 and this month will therefore be my first proper cycle ttc. Hope we both are lucky this month. Fertility is supposed to come back immediately but my doctor said best to wait a month. I'm using opk to track ovulation this month.... fx for you!
hey tracey,
thanks for your reply =)

I don't really no my cycle as I didn't have any periods whilst on the coil,which was fab at the time but a pain when trying to work out when yr ovulating!!
I done abit of homework on the net and just looked out for signs of ovulation,monitoring my cm i found the best really. Had been checking my cm and after what I thought to be my first period after removal and around the 11th day after I had ewcm :) so me and the OH got on with the deeds,lol and for the fews days after aswell.
Did'nt hear that you can have a fake one at first ;(

Lets just keep our fx hun =)

When are you due to test?

kelly xx
The reason I say I had a fake on AF cos it was just 2 days after coil out and it was so light even a tampon was not worth bothering with - it did last 5 days however so I presumed it was AF but when I got my real AF 11 days ago it was totally different - like how periods used to be 5 years ago (I too never had period on coil). Before I had my son, I was on pill for over 18 years so my periods even then were every 28 days but just cos the pill makes that happen. I have therefore never had a natural period/cycle since I was 14 - I'm 38 now so I'm totally in the dark here. I'm doing OPK to see when LH surge happens so I know when I'm OVing so I've put my testing date as 31st December - the very day I got my positive with my son 5 years ago - maybe its fate!!!!

Good luck to you and checking your CM is a great way to track things too!!
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I see what you mean hun.
Wow I hope you get yr bfp like you said it may be fate,how fab that would be! :)
As if I'll wait to my testing date to test..... ha ha - but maybe the BFP wont show till 31st.....oh how I wish that would actually happen!! It would be like Deja Vu

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