Anyone TTC after Mirena IUS?


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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Hello everyone

Im new to this forum, though I've been lurking for a bit whilst thinking about TTC with DP.
I had my mirena coil removed 2 days ago to TTC baby number 2 (DS is 4.) I haven't had an AF for about 3 years whilst it was in, and don't even know if I was ovulating whilst it was in.
Has anyone else had the coil removed? And if so how long before AF returned?
The doctor said it might take a while and I might get PG before AF even shows herself. Looks like I might be getting through quite a few pregnancy tests in the next few months!
Reading through this forum it seems a lot of people are keeping a close eye on their cycles, it's annoying not knowing whats going on wih my body. I hope it settles down soon.

Baby dust to you all!

I had my mirena coil removed on the 21st March having had it for 5 years and not having a period the whole time - I didnt have any bleeding after it was removed but on the 4th April had a couple of days of just very red blood but very light. On the 4th April I had my first proper AF in over 5 years - very heavy and I bleed for 11 days!!

I am 41 and am worried I am not now ovulating so I have started to chart my temperatures and am taking agnus castus to help regulate my periods. Keeping my fingers crossed that I will ovulate soon .....

I have a daughter of nearly 20 and a son of 17 already but recently remarried and would love to have a little one with my new husband.

Let me know how you get on xxx
Thanks for replying. It has given me some idea of what to expect.
I will just have to be patient and see what happens.
Good luck with TTC!
I had my mirena coil removed on 15th September and I had my BFP on the 2nd November. Not saying everyone will be that lucky but it certainly didn't stop me conceiving! :lol:

Hugs and baby dust to you all :hug:

I have a mirena coil in too - I have an appointment to get it taken out on Monday 28th. However, I have no strings - they disappeared last year and had to get an ultrasound to make sure the coil was still in place. Hopefully it won't be too painful to get removed. My GP can't remove the coil, so I have to go to the gyne clinic.

Getting excited about TTC #2 (have to figure out what all the TLAs (3 letter accroynms mean!). Where do I get the charts about dates that everyone has on their signatures?

Good luck and have fun trying!

I was quite worried about getting my coil removed cos I was in agony after having it fitted. It was fine though, I was surprised how quickly it came out. Apart from some very mild stomach cramps it's been fine.

Good luck!
Yes dont worry about it not having strings - they said they had lost mine!! to begin with and I had a very worried couple of weeks - went to see a lady doctor and she just made me lie on my hands and tilt my pelvic bone and she had it out in a flash!!

by the way had a definate + OPK test today so it looks like I am ovulating - watch out DH this lady is ready to pounce!!!

Good luck to you all x
Thats great news reallyoldmum, a big step in the right direction..go get him girl! :twisted:

By the way, AF arrived today, Im quite pleased though because it means my bodys getting back to normal.
I won't hold it against her if she decides to go away for another 9 months though :wave:
had mine removed last year but didnt start trying till feb this year, glad to be rid of it, it actually made me ill in the end. did you know that they only use it for a max of 3 years in the states now because of the problems it can cause, good old blighty still lets you have it for 5 years!

Glad to say that everything returned to normal within a couple of months, weirly enough i actually enjoyed getting my period after 5 years of not having it...strangest thing you'll find is how far sanitary technology has come in 5 years!! :rotfl:

good luck with TTC hope to see a BFP soon
Haven't been online in a few weeks - but I got my coil removed - no problems! They found the strings and just whipped it out - only felt a bit of pressure when routing around!

Mind you, I had light bleeding for nearly 2 weeks, but it has stopped now. Just waiting for my cycle to start again, so I can keep track of my dates! Here is to lots of fun TTC!! :D

Thanks for the replies!

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