Mild stitch sensation - advice please


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2011
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I've just found out I'm pregnant after 20 years of treatment, ops and IVF. I conceived naturally and to say I'm shocked would be an understatement.

I done 2 cb digital tests this week, tues said 1-2 weeks then another on Friday said 2-3 weeks which works out with the time I think I conceived. With a 35 day cycle I believe I'm 5 weeks now.

I was told years back I was high risk for ectopic pregnancy as I've had tubal surgery. One is def blocked, the other had been kinked and was straightened.

For obvious reasons, every twinge I get has me paranoid. Currently, I'm constantly aware of a mild stitch type sensation in the lower right of my abdomen. I've had no spotting or bleeding and the pain isn't strong enough that I'd consider it cramp.

The earliest the Dr said they could scan me to check is 16th June but I'm going to drive myself up the wall before then.

Is it normal to constantly be aware of an ache down there at this stage?
Hi Bliss!!

I'm 40 years old and 6 weeks PG after 20 years of not being able to concieve due to illness and meds!!

You get all sorts of twinges and odd you I'm convinced each new feeling is bad!!!

I think that unless it's serious sharp pain or bleeding then the general rule is not to worry.

Obviously if it continues speak to you doctor/midwife.

Good Luck!!
Hi cazza, thanks for your reply and congrats on your news too.

I'm trying to remain positive and I guess the fact I have no bleeding at all and the digi test increased a week is a good sign.

I just can't help but feel I'm a walking time bomb just now...

I wish I'd left it longer before I done the test as this will def be the longest 2 weeks if my life!
Hi Bliss, congrats on your BFP sounds like you have had a mega journey. Wishing you a super sticky healthy bean.

A lot a ladies report all sorts of weird and wonderful cramps, twinges and
pains early on. I think it's when your bean us snuggling in extra deep and your uterus us stretching. If you have a look in the First Trimester section you'll find loads of threads which detail people's experiences. So you are not alone with these sensations.

I think you need to look out for really painful sensations and blood etc. You can then contact your doc/midwife to get it checked out. However even some of these can be explained. I had bad pains early on and got scared, turned out to be constipation......I felt like a right burk. Also brown spotting is common in Tri1 and can be your body releasing the implantation bleed. Basically if anything happens you are worried about get medical advice.
Currently, I'm constantly aware of a mild stitch type sensation in the lower right of my abdomen. I've had no spotting or bleeding and the pain isn't strong enough that I'd consider it cramp.

Is it normal to constantly be aware of an ache down there at this stage?

As Ninja said, it will most likely be implantation or the start of your uterus stretching. Round ligament pain is very common and can become cripplingly painful the further along you get.

Please try to relax as stress and worry can be bad for your little bean.

Huge congratulations though! Fingers crossed everything goes well for you throughout the coming months. :)

Heppi xx
Congrats on conceiving after such a long journey!
I had lots of random twinges and also aches especially when I got up too quickly after having been sitting for a while.
Fingers crossed for you!

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