mild panic!


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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I had a consultant appointment this morning, bp was fine, urine fine, then the registrar couldn't find a heartbeat and went into full on panic mode. I wasn't too concerned as I could feel bubs kicking away but OH went into overdrive, nurses were running and I was scanned straight away, much to the annoyance of the lady about to go in having waited over an hour and the other ladies still in the waiting room....oops! Long story short, all was fine, everyone exhaled, and even though my bump is still big, bubs is spot on :) Was nice to see him/her again, it's amazing what a difference 10 weeks makes on screen!
So glad everything was ok honey x x
Awww glad u got to see baby again, even tho not under gr8 circumstances!!! xxx
sounds did well not to get carried away with the hysteria! But at least the little 'un was reasurring you so bet that made you feel better...
Glad everything is okay too. Got a growth scan on the 15 June and am so looking forward to seeing how my little man has grown. Weird question - did you get another scan piccy? I know I'm going in for checks but if everything is okay do you think they'll give me another picture or would they think I'm being cheeky? My other ones aren't really that
glad things okay - and great news about scan x
Good grief!! I'm pleased everything is ok xx
Glad everything was ok with bubs!!!!:)
Did they know you could feel baby moving around?? I know this sounds silly but would have thought they may have been a bit calmer on the way to the scan for yours and your OH's sake.

sounds did well not to get carried away with the hysteria! But at least the little 'un was reasurring you so bet that made you feel better...
Glad everything is okay too. Got a growth scan on the 15 June and am so looking forward to seeing how my little man has grown. Weird question - did you get another scan piccy? I know I'm going in for checks but if everything is okay do you think they'll give me another picture or would they think I'm being cheeky? My other ones aren't really that

Just wanted to say i go for growth scans every four weeks and i get a scan picture each time. I only get one as i guess they see them as extra scans but still...:)
I did tell them I could still feel movement but I don't think the registrar believed me - my OH reckons they must have seen things like this happen and not turn out well but perhaps the mum is in denial so says she can feel something to try and block it out maybe? The registrar just looked at me and was like "er....OK".

I didn't get another piccie either, to be honest I didn't even think to ask, I was just happy to see everything was OK. They did say they might want to scan me again in 4 weeks time when I go back for another bp check so I will have to try to remember then!
Glad everything was ok. The midwife done that to me once but baby was kicking her so i new he was ok and she could feel him kicking. x
God that sounds awful, I would have been a mess its amazing you dealt with it so well. Sometimes when I haven't had alot of movement and have been worried,i've thought i can feel things but didn't know if it was wishful thinking if that makes sense. I think they did the right thing scanning you there and then. As for the ladies waiting to go in as much of a pain as it was, i'd like to think i'd be patient and understanding in that situation. So pleased all is well with your LO x

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