Mild ivf

Exactly, you can say youve done what you can, can't say fairer than that...

Are you sniffing or injecting for down regulation or does mild ivf not do that bit?
No down regulating for mild ivf just gonal f from day 2, scan and blood day5 then a scan and bloods every other day till they tell me to have trigger injection. AF due around the 12th so not long now and its a relatively quick process with mild ivf so fingers crossed!
Apparently I'm at high risk of ohss so I may not get to do a transfer if I overstimulate but if I'm ok they want to do a blastocyst transfer on day 5. We are going to ask for embryoglue as well as I really don't think we could afford another cycle after this one so I want to do everything I can to boost the chances of success.

I told my mum and sister. We wanted to keep it a secret but they are both so bloody nosy and interfering that we decided to just tell them to get it over with and whatever comments they make we will just ignore. Part of me wishes we hadn't had to but they kept asking what appts were for and being generally annoying and nosy.we have told them don't ask anything, we will tell you if there's any news .
Oh good luck for the 14th ish then for starting gonal f, I was on the other one Menopur.
Yes that really does sound quick, hope you get a good few nice folicles without the ohss.

Ive neverheard of enbryoglue!! It sounds fab, I was worriedmine would fall out after transfer but reassured it wouldn't ha

Glad youve cleared the air with mum and sister, their fault for being so nosy and hope they are being suportive or will at least help with kids as I know childcare was a worry when hubby needed to.

Haven't told my mum and sister yet either! It's weighing heavily on me now!
I will tell my mum in a few weeks after 20 week scan I think, and not telling my sister this time, after the abuse last time I have no obligation to tell her
Iam now on day 2 of stimms and so far I feel ok, had a couple of twinges today but to be honest its probably still period pain and I've been feeling tired but that's nothing new!

I have my first scan on Thursday morning and then I think they will see if my gonal f dose needs adjusting and add cetrotide.
Went for a walk this afternoon and for the first time in three years I actually felt like a complete person again
Day 8 of my ivf cycle and I have an appointment for another scan and blood test today. Feeling a bit uncomfortable but nothing too bad and really hoping my follicles have grown a lot and that it won't be long till egg collection
Had a couple of very uncomfortable days but ok now. Egg collection will be sun or mon but no transfer as iam high risk for ohss. Instead all embryos will be frozen and I will do a fet in a few weeks
Had my egg collection today and 16 eggs were retrieved. I'm doubtful all will be mature/fertilise as I had loads of follicles, some big, some medium size and some small!

Fingers crossed for good news tomorrow as we are freezing all due to very high risk of OHSS and I'd like a few so we have a good chance of achieving a pregnancy through fet attempts
Fab haul of eggs !!! I only got 12 and 6 fertilized

Do let us know how your getting on xx

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