MIL Offering to do my house work.

I'd give anything to have either MIL or mum offer to help clean my flat... but sadly it's all down to me :? Even though they don't clean like I like things clean... tbh I cleaned the house last week, and it nearly killed me... the pain in my back was so bad I could hardly breathe and was on my back for hours afterwards because it hurt sooo much.

DH doesn't really do house work... he does other things around the house (man jobs like painting, electrics etc which he's dead good at), but housework.... well it's not his thing.... He's not sexist about it.. he will do it but you need to nag him endlessly to do it in the first place and the amount of energy you expend in nagging would be much better placed in doing the housework yourself in the first place :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: And well men just don't see mess sometimes :roll:

Just bite the bullet... swallow your pride... take the help, because having a baby is hard work and you will need all the help you can get... I wish I'd had just a tiny bit of help when I had Tia... but sadly I didn't have that either. I won't ask for help (my pride prevents that) but if someone offered I'd jump at the chance.
It's just a shame the DH won't do it really. I nag him to death b ut then he's so half assed bout stuff it drives you mad.

He cleaned the goldfish out last night after he bathed the boy, I had been asking him for days. The tank is tooheavy and I waddle so much!!

He didn't take the bath toys out first, used the kitchen colander and the boys flannel...then just left everything out. Gravel in amongst toys, colander dripping on the floor.....GRRRRRR!!!! :wall: :wall: :wall:

It's more work cleaning up after him than it is to just do the bloody job myself :twisted:
i find that my DH is so rubbish at cleaning that theres no bloody point getting him to do it. Even if he has a go i have to go back and re do it all. And he ALWAYS hoovers first which really gets on my nerves :x With 4 cats and a 6 year old he needs to hoover AFTER hes wiped the sides, shook the cushions ect, why doesnt he GET that?!?!? :shakehead: Grrr, lol. Nice to 'ave a moan, init?
My MIL came over to help out when I was heavily pregnant/just after Jake was born and I was so grateful for her help. She still comes over to do the garden- she just loves to come over to see Jake. Ive told her if she wants to see Jake she doesnt need an excuse :roll: but Im not complaining :rotfl:
Ahh sounds like she just wants to help and feel involved. My MIL wants to come and stay with us around the time our baby is due (Not on good terms at the mo, so prob won't happen) But I would find it harder to look after the house, a new baby, my toddler and them too (I think they are assuming they are staying here) I apprciate the help, but weigh it out with extra stuff, not worth the stress, we coped easily with the first on our own. We will see, she still has to be nicer to me before my hubby would let her even into the house! But if someone wants to come and hoover or clean a bathroom or two, then I would love them too.

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