Oh, bless you. I too suffer from migraines and the only thing to do is to take migraleave (sp?) so I'm dreading getting one now I'm pg.
I had to go to the local chemist last night for a couple of bits, and I went school with the pharmacist so we had about a 20 minute natter about me being pregnant. I took the opportunity to ask her what I could do if/when I get a migraine. She told me maximum 8 paracetamol in 24 hours, but also said that the stick roll-on FourHead is really good. Because it is mainly menthol in the ingredients, it is safe for use during pregnancy. She also recommended those cool'n'sooth patches, or a wet cool flannel.
And laying down in a very dark room with sunglasses on and your head under a thick quilt always helps me!!!
I hope you feel better soon hun.