might have a go at opk's

I've even keeping track for a few months now even though we're not trying till May/June. It's great to see what your body's doing and getting to know the signs of OV. I brought cheapies from eBay, was like £5 for 40, and they work perfectly. You have to leave them for a few mins for the 2nd line to get dark but it gets there eventually.
Hey Ladies, I tried using these last month for about 10 days or more and I dont think I ovulated at all, which was a bit pants but this month Ive only tried a couple of times because I just havent had the time and nothing either :( Im not sure which days to test, last month I tried from days 10-20 and nothing...?
Hi Vixx - I'm not clued up on if everyone ovulates strictly every month or not so i'm not sure, i do know though that i've got a positive on the OPK's and ovulated all in the same day before now so sometimes it can happen pretty quick.
Usually it's about cd14 or near there. I've heard it's best to test in the afternoon if that helps, and sometimes it's worth testing twice a day because of how quickly it can pass. I'm lucky in the fact i can recognise my symptoms, although i find ovulation really painful. :-( Fingers and toes crossed you get a positive on your next OPK test.
I have an app on my iphone called Period Tracker - it's fab - would highly recommend (if you have a smartphone) so you can get an idea of the date of OV each month. :) x
Thanks Kdh, I had heard about doing them in the afternoons but thats so difficult when I work in an office..? What symptoms do you have when you ovulate? x
Signs I'm about to ovulate are my body temperature (I also get these with af too) and I also get an achy back and seriously bloated stomach. For me OV is much worse than AF, so much so I actually can't wait to get back on the pill. Luckily it's all for a good cause. Literally before I OV, my stomach is so bloated and painful (bottom of belly) and it just feels like a dull ache, sometimes it can hurt to walk. I can tell as soon as OV has finished as it all just disappears. Weird sensation. Everyone is completely different though. It may just be minor things you could begin to notice like body temperature, or it could just slip by without you knowing. I've read so many things about it and it just boils down to everybody being different.
I think early evening would work too, I think the only reason they say not first thing is because it's diluted over night with what you have held in.
Here's hoping you get results soon xx
Thank you kdh - that really helps, knowing all those symptoms :) I will keep an eye out for anything like that as I havent noticed any of those symptoms before, but now I know what to look out for, I might x
Hellooo peeps :)

So I will be properly testing this month...last month was a no goer- I tested once on 21st March and was ovulating apparently? but who knows from when to what to how as I was rubbish at having a look. Anyway My a/f turned up on March 31st and just as a control test (yes the strips are deffo working) I did one tonight on cd7 and it was def negative.

I think so far (2 months off pill) I have a 32 day cycle and just read on tinternet I ought to test from about cd15 so I'll do another one in three days just incase hehee. It's quite interesting eh...I never paid this much attention to what was going on before now it's like a little project.

Hope you're all well muchos love on this fabulous evening x

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