might as well have June ;)

right ladies we are in the 1st of June :D well nearly the 2nd and we've had littlebump and tuck

who gave birth from the June list

but who will actually give birth in June??

if know one pops soon it will be Kristy with her induce date on my birthday the 3rd of June :cheer:

good luck hun, hope your okay :hug:

so the race is on :wink:
i was due 28th may and still no sign of her. so il have to have june too :cry:
im fed up now!
amylou86 said:
i was due 28th may and still no sign of her. so il have to have june too :cry:
im fed up now!
here u go amylou
******labour dust******

i want this baby out now too, its too hot to carry her around in my tummy now. lets hope things happen for us soon!
okay we are well gearing in to June and we have had are 1st person if i'm right..... which was Kristy with her beautiful baby boy who was born the 1st...

now i think she is the only person now... so who's next

sorry ladies hope it's me :roll: :D

aww i wonder who will benext a few are over due hope they go first :D
neeko you can go any time as well bet your getting so impatient.
*saulino* said:

aww i wonder who will benext a few are over due hope they go first :D
neeko you can go any time as well bet your getting so impatient.

you better believe.. i really want her out now... i always pray that i will go into labour now.... but nothing

i hope i won't be over due :?

labour dust pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
heres some labour dust for u neeko
this bit's for me lol
anyone else want some?!
Hi everyone, not long now eh?

i am in severe panic mode and cant relax or concerntrate on any thing, as my last labour was only an hour and very intense, and im scared im not going to get to hospital on time, as i also have got to get my boys looked after.. im worried ill leave it all too late and not b able to go anywhere :shock:
oh well as my midwife says all labours are different, just wish it will happen now cos i feel on edge constantly,and gettin braxton hicks all the time


labour dust for all of us, i think everyone must have had enough in this hot weather by now :wave:

loobylou- where have you been , have been thinking about you hows the pregnancy going?
well another has joined us :cheer:

congrats Trixipaws on your beautiful baby girl, and welcome
and also congrats on actually giving birth on you due date :dance:

well Laura is well passed her due dat and i know she's p*ssed.. sorry hun
mummy to be is due tomorrow and i hope her little man come :D

and guess what ............. I'M DUE ON TUESDAY YAY :cheer:

on my due date would be fantastic

((oh and i know that the due dates are all over the place sorry :oops: ))

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