

Sep 8, 2011
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okay im kind of getting a little annoyed now; i rang the doctors 2 weeks ago to make an appointment with the midwife, she didn't ring me until Wednesday just gone and all she said was how far gone are you? how old are you? and that the midwife i will be having is away on holiday so just hang on and when shes back she will give you a call; she said us midwifes are only in on a Wednesday though; so i took that as she would ring me today (Wednesday) but iv had nothing yet, i Dont know whether to ring the doctors or just wait and see if she rings or just leave it until she decides to ring me. i know im probably being stupid and inpatient but im excited and just want to make sure everything is okay? anyone have any advice on what to do?
How far along are you?

I would try not to worry, i'm sure she will be in touch soon. xx
How far gone are you? I went to the docs when I was 5 weeks, just a few days after finding out and he referred me to the midwife, I got a letter in a few days later and had my first midwifes app at 7 weeks, got bloods taken etc and had loads of questions to answer, now just got my scan date in for the 4th of Oct!
EDD 7 weeks 3 days, i think il just leave it then and maybe if i dont get a call by next week ish then il ring them x
the midwife at my gp surgery couldn't fit me in till i'm 13 weeks so they gave me the number for the hospital and they fitted me in at 8 weeks. It was with the same midwife who works at the gp so i would ask the receptionist if they can see you at the hospital instead. was much better then waiting 8 weeks to see her!
I didn't hear from mine until I was 8 weeks, and that was by letter, and I didn't see her till I was 10 weeks. In your first appointment they don't do that much with you, apart from go through family history, so don't get too panicked. Also if you have called and spoke with someone they know your name and must have your details.

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