Midwife yesterday


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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Morning all
had the midwife yesterday, my 36 week appt.
b/p, heartbeat and urine all fine. Height of fundus is still measuring big, was measuring 39 weeks when i was 35 weeks 5 days, they say not to worry though.
Got a scan next week anyway just to be sure.
the midwife had a good prod at my tummy and said my stomache muscles were excellent? Um i dunno how as all i do is lay in bed and eat choclate lol!!
She also said baby is 3/5s engaged so i think thats good? and that she is led ROA which means to the right apparantly, which is fine, but she said its rare as most first pregnancys the baby leans to the left as the womb dips to the left slightly but she said its all ok.
When i walked in she looked all confused and said oh hang on how many weeks are you and looked at my tummy then the computer and i told her and she said well u look like ur about to drop tomoro! i was like oh THANKS alot lol!!! I was sposed to go for bloods after but completleyt forget and dont think im gonna bopther going will this matter?? i feel fine within myself anyway and hate going up the hosp its a nightmare lol lazy xx
only 4 weeks and 2 days to go! im officially crapping myself lol!!
Its annoying when people say that isnt it 'ooo you must be ready to drop' :roll: just agree and awalk away. Im measuring bi too 37.5 cms at nearly 32 weeks, glad to hear all is well :hug:
Glad your appointment went well :cheer: I got my next one on Monday I cant wait!
i am measuring 4cm to big i wouldnt worry about that i think its a load of rubbish that measuring lark :(

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