midwife visits


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2006
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is it just me or does everyone seem to have to go to their Gp to see their midwife for antenatal appointments? might just be where i live but i get home visits throughout the whole pregnancy, only time i would have to go to gp/hosp is for induction, delivery or scans

have to say its a lot easier than having to go across the town and pay for parking etc, though she only gives a 2hr slot so gotta wait in a few hours

its a lot easier though, especially now im getting fat :dance:
I have had to go to my gp surgery to see the midwife for antenatal checks from day 1. Because they are so busy you get 5-10 mins max!! I think I would like to have the midwife visit me then I could have her attention for longer!!!!

My friend who lives 15 mins down the road got her booking in appointment at home then all other appointments at the surgery... strange!!
Yeah, everytime i have been to see my MW it's been at my doctors surgery. She is there one afternoon a week, wow!
I have to go to the GP's the first appointment they come to you but after that you go to them, she allows about 10min each
cab'o'holic said:
I have to go to the GP's the first appointment they come to you but after that you go to them, she allows about 10min each

and that's on a good day!
I have only been going to the hospital for scans etc and only found out the other week I should have been going to the doctors once a month!
I had my booking in appt at home and then the rest of the appts have been at the midwife centre. However, recently I have been having trouble gettin to the appts (which are ALWAYS on a Monday, they dont give you much option there) so im having home visits from now on, as they said they can do that if its easier for me.

Its lovely, because you feel the MW gives you so much more time and you feel more like an individual and not just a number :cheer:
Vicki83 said:
Yeah, everytime i have been to see my MW it's been at my doctors surgery. She is there one afternoon a week, wow!

Thats the same as mine, and the MW trys to cram everyone in. Our appointment before was at 4.00pm ...we didnt get out until 6.00pm AND i had zack with me, oh what joy that was :roll:
Yeah, must be worse for you having the wee one there as well as he'll get bored so easily!

Half the time you're rushed in and out so fast you forget what you wanted to ask her!
i feel quite privileged now :D she tends to stay about 20mins per visit, doesnt rush through it though like they used to at the doctors 8)
My named MW is based at my local hospital - which is closer to me than my GP's!

But i don't need to see her anymore. I just go to my GP for sicknotes now :)
i have to go to my surgery.. i live about 5 mins walk so im not too bothered.

i have the babys future health visitor coming out to see me on friday tho.. om soooo excited .. i feel special :cheer:

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