midwife visit...scared now


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Just come back from the midwife today after my 2nd appointment.

I feel great after putting forward all of my niggles and fears and have come out feeling almost eupharic apart from.... possibility of twins.

This scares me immensley...after having twins and having a big history of it in my family the chances are high.

I know the possibility is 1 in 15 and my midwife wouldn't even book in my next appt until after my scan as we are all anticipating the news!

I know I will love them if there are 2 but it would be nice to jus be one.

Sorry just had to air my concern out loud x :|
I'm scared I'm having twins, it's not particularly likely as I have no family history of twins, but the midwife said I'm bigger than I should be for my dates (I was 10 weeks, she said I felt 12-14 weeks!) and mentioned it as a possibility.

So now I'm sh*tting myself waiting for the scan on 14th! I'm just trying to think, if it is it is, there's nothing we can do about it so we'll cope!

Sorry, I know that doesn't help much...

I can see why you're apprehensive, especially with a history. When's your scan?

I was apprehensive at the thought of twins, until my scan yesterday showed only one. My OH and I have twins running through both sides of the family, so it was a definite possibility, I think twins would have been nice but as its our first i am releived there is only one (although OH keeps joking that the second one was hiding behind the first :shock: ).

Good luck for your scans both of you x
I was scared of the prospect of twins too, but i had my scan on friday and it was only the one Bam Bam.

Try not to worry to much, i was terrified of something being wrong at my scan, but once i saw baby bam Bam wriggling around and it's little heartbeat beating away all my fear disappeared, it was my baby there on the screen waving at us!!

Good lcuk with your scans, i just know they will be fine.
Thanks for your replies.

My scan is on the 18th Sept so not too long to wait but I know on that day I will be soooo scared!

I know mentally I would be prepared for two but it would be so much easier to have one after being used to looking after two.

Having twins is a blessing as you get double the lobe back but I've had my blessing already :D :rotfl:
I have also thought about this as I am a twin and apparently fraternal twins are twice as likely to have twins than non-twins. My husband had this premonition that we will have twin girls (even before I found out I was pregnant). I would not want twins because I know how much hard work they are (my mum didn't sleep for the first 3 years of me and my brother's lives :wink: ) and you grow up always having to share your identity somewhat. However, if I did have twins I would make the most of it but I'd rather just have one baby first time around.
Now I must admit, I'm quite pleased that I had the twins first time around... I put this down to the fact that it seemed normal and it was so natural to look after two as I'd not been used to anything else.

Whereas, had I had one first and then twins I might find it hard work comparing it to the singleton child.

I se then Dinksi that you have a twin brother..i sympathise with your mum, I have girl and boy twins :D

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