Midwife tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2013
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Can't believe I have finally reached the point of seeing a midwife tomorrow! I'm so excited! Since I've found out I was pregnant there seems to have been something going on every week. I've had three scans, blood tests, now I have birthdays coming up and my scan before having a week abroad in late September. Then I suppose it'll be 20 week scan and Christmas soon after! Where is this year going to?!!
Aww exciting! I'll be nearly 11 weeks before I see midwife bloody crazy!!! X
Ahh it's still going to go quick Nat. I don't know where the last 4 weeks have gone since we found out craziness! Xx
Aww glad it's going quick for you! I feel like it's bloody dragging! I'll prob look back tho when I'm in second trimester and be like where's that time gone x
Im 11 weeks todau and its flown by. Im akready thinking of matenity leave haha. Xx
Wow! 3 scans? I've had nothing, still keep thinking I might find out I'm not pregnant and then feel such a fool haha.

I have a first appt in just under 2 weeks and first scan mid-late September. Congrats though, sounds like it's going quickly for you!! I think I saw on another thread you had similar due date? My current estimate is very beginning of April.

Enjoy your holiday as well :)
Yeah three scans due to spotting.first one was just a sac. Then yolk and third we saw a heartbeat. Still just as anxious though! It's going quick when I look back. Yeah somewhere between 1st and 3rd.
My scan should be 17-24th September hopefully. Hope it goes quick for you! X
thats funny, all my online calcs are 1st April and my phonecall for booking appt they said the 3rd so we must be almost the same.

I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties, but glad your on track, thats great :)
I was expecting to see my midwife at some point this week, but nope, buggars can't fit me in until I'm 11 weeks!!
She better not mess me around last time regarding a scan. She had over 5 weeks to sort it out last time, she didnt. I had to go else where to her colleague to get anywhere!! So stressful xx
Oh no that's crappy! I'm fortunate enough to know my midwife although that doesn't help when you need examinations lol! Xx

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