Midwife Problems


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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As the title suggests I'm having a few troubles with my mw and I am at my wits end! Just not sure where to go from here.

At 40+4 weeks (Friday) I managed to persuade my mw to give me a sweep where I was 1cm dilated and 50% effaced with a slightly posterior cervix. Was told sweep might work but not to put my hopes up too much. She then said if nothing happened over the weekend she would see me Monday at 41weeks for another sweep.

So text her twice Monday to book in to see her for a sweep and got no replies what so ever all day. Finally got a text back yesterday (Tuesday) at 8 days overdue saying she was off on Monday but working that day and would try to fit me in before finishing at 2pm.

2pm came and went and nothing, text her at 2.30pm asking what happens now! And got a message saying she was still busy but could see me today (Wednesday) and tha she would phone in the morning to book a time up.

So now it is 7pm and heard nothing from her , even text her again! She must think I'm crazy texting her so much the last couple of days. She is off work tomorrow too (Thursday) and working Friday when I will be 11 days over.

So now I don't know where I stand, as she said I should book in for an induction at 10 days late (tomorrow) for when I'm 12 days over! Surely not even being able to talk to her til Friday is going to be too late to book up an induction? Should I try contacting the hospital to get an induction booked? I really don't want to be left too long without an end date!

Anyone else have problems like this when they were overdue? And have any ideas? Xx
Personally, I would ring the hospital and speak to them hun. You need an induction booked one way of another and your midwife doesn't seem to be very helpful!! Good luck hunni xxxx
I would also ring the hospital, my induction was booked in for 12 days over at my 40 week appointment (I was 40+4). My second sweep was also booked then straight after they'd done the first.
My midwife team were seperate from the hospital midwives
Hey hun, sorry to hear you're having a crap time!! I'd ring the hospital and tell them your situation and explain you were promised another sweep on Monday and still not had anything. Maybe gI a little overboard and tell them you want to do anything you can to avoid being induced and see if you can go into the hospital for the sweep. I hope it all gets sorted for you xxx
Yep def ring midwives at hospital, good luck x
Thank u ladies. I will give them a ring tomorrow, hopefully I will get done where with them xx
U should have an appointment to see a consultant at 41 weeks anyway???

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They are not ment to let u go anything over12 days on your 12th day you should b taken in for your labour to be started off . I would ring the hospital ASAP xxx
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U should have an appointment to see a consultant at 41 weeks anyway???

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I saw my consultant at 40+4 weeks cos that's when he could see me due to clinic times. All he did was the usual mw checks and told me to book another mw appt. Which is why I pushed for a sweep at 40+4 because my mw said if he didn't do one she would. Then she tried back tracking saying I had to be 7 days late. And not seen her since, so quite lucky I've even had the one sweep! Xx
I'd also be ringing the hospital.

I know you had a consultant appointment but I'm sure everyone is supposed to get a MW app at 41 weeks too. x
Did you manage to get hold of the hospital?

This is shocking service from her and I would complain to the surgery she is at.

Just heard back from the hospital, got to phone tomorrow between 11am-12noon to see if they can fit me in for an induction as they don't do them on Saturday's when I will be 12 days late and Sunday is full! Not sure what happens if they can't fit me in though! Scared now! Lol xx
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Oooh I'm sure they will fit you in, probably just getting you to call to make sure they don't have lots of emergencies in. Even when I was booked in I was supposed to call on the day to make sure they had space
Pinky Janga had her baby this morning without induction :D xx

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