Midwife appt, at 25 weeks is this normal?

Glam gal

Jun 14, 2007
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Hi i've been lurking for a few weeks and decided to come and join you. I have a query. I went for my 'booking in' appointment around 10 weeks ish, (cant remember exactly, brains a bit muddled), I had my scan at (what I thought was) 12 weeks, but they put me forward 3 weeks so i'm now 15 +1, I am not seeing the midwife til i'm 25 weeks according to my antenatal notes,. :shock:
Now i'm preganant with my 3rd child and I cant remember waitng this long to hear the babys heartbeat, I remember pretty much one appointment after the other.
I'm sure the babys fine, as I had my scan last week, but I dont think I can wait that long until I hear the heartbeat, its another 10 weeks, is this normal procedure now. Can I just make an appointment myself and ask to hear it.
I just like to be reasssured all is well, I am a worrier

im seeing my mw when im 17 weeks.. here we have the tripple blood test done around then. i would ring ur midwife and say you have been put forward 3 weeks and do u need to see ehr before the next appointment which is when u will be 25 weeks.. do you ahve a 20 week scan.. coz i think normally u will be seen between the hospital and the community midwife.. a few weeks between both.
I have my next scan sept 3rd, which will make me just 23 weeks, midwife being 2 weeks after, this is based on my dates being brought forward. I just feel like I'm left to get on with it, I'm sure i had more appointments than this with the other 2 *shrugs*
Gosh that seems like quite a wait, I know different areas do things differently but I had a booking in appointment, scan at 12 weeks, then an appointment at 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 34 and 36 weeks. I have another booked for next week (38 weeks) and will have to have 40, 41 and 42 if nothings happened before then. Bloods were taken at 12 weeks, repeated at 28 weeks and haven't had need for additional scans etc.
I might ring the midwives and ask for an earlier appointment then. It can't hurt they can only say no, I just need reasurring that all is well
This is my 3rd child also and i saw the midwife at the booking in appointment - 8 weeks and then at 16 weeks and now i won't be seeing her again until i am 28 weeks!!! They normally do the triple test at 16 weeks so if you are having this you will need to be seen by her then. I didn't as i had the bupa oscar test instead.

I've just looked through my notes and I have a blood test form in there for 28 weeks, thats for FBC ?, group and anti body screen, Rubella, Red cell antibody.

I had some bloods taken at my 12 week scan and she said that was for everything?
Hi, this is my 3rd child, but I've heard that the level of treatment I've received is pretty much the case with all pregnant women here who are considered "low risk". Here in west central Scotland, I didn't see a m/w at all until around 12-13 weeks for the booking appointment and she took blood (the day before I had the 12 week scan). I have seen her once since then and I'm 25 and a half weeks according to my scan dates.

We don't even get a 20 week scan here unless we go private or there is a family history of problems (and even then we have to request it)! I was lucky enough to get a 20 week scan on the NHS, but that's not the usual: I only got it because my mum lost a baby to a bowel condition and my partner's family have a history of cardiac problems.

They don't really monitor you much until you get to 24-28 weeks here, probably because that's when the baby is viable and as it's from the middle of pregnancy that problems like pre-eclampsia in the mother start to arise. Before then, there is little they can do.

If you want the reassurance of hearing the heartbeat, buy a doppler from ebay, but as it's your 3rd child, you'll soon feel the baby kicking anyway (if you haven't already) and as you'll know, movement is the best indicator that things are okay with your little one.
I was the same, seen at 15+3 and then not again until 25+5. I've heard that this is becoming the 'norm' now. If you have any concerns though, you can always ring your midwife and she will see you earlier :hug:
If you want ests done for Downs syndrome or spina bifida,these have to be done at 16 weeks (something to do with the levels of proteins at that time) so if you wnat them, you'll need to see her then (I had to phone my MW to make that appointment, perhaps you do too??)
My mw told me the 20 scan was consiidered a mw apt even though they don't do a urine check or blood pressure or anything. I did have an apt at about 16 weeks but maybe because you were put forward 3 weeks that's why I'd phone your mw to ask her advise.
think i had the rubella check on my 10-12week appt. but i knew i was fine with that cause i had the rubella jab at school.

mines been slightly before like 12weeks and 20weeks and some a few days after.

got my 38week appt july 22nd or something, so next week.

im meant to be seen 6-8 surg
10-12 home
12weeks hosp
16 surg
20 hosp
25 surg
28 surg
31 surg
34 surg
36 home but was seen at surg
38 surg
40 surg
41 surg

this one i didnt get confirm for preg till 2months into it or 6weeks into it.

but like someone said everywheres different . this is my second preg first baby. can u but a doppler so u got it ready for when babys a lil bit bigger so u can check and know your lo is ok :)
Thanks for all the great replies, I think I will ring her, definately to get the spina bifida/downs bloods done as I was too far gone for the Nuchal Fold test at the scan.
As is seems pretty normal for a few of you to be left alone til the 25 week mark, I will consider this normal and go with it. I do seem to have a few regular appointments after 25 weeks.
I considered buying a doppler, I still might. :think:
I just like a fuss being made of me :oops: :rotfl:
This is what I get -

Booking appointment (mine was at 15 weeks, and they did the Downs/Spina Bifida bloods then)

20 week Scan - Think I only got this because of family history of SpinaB

24 week Antenatal Appt

28 week GTT, m/w, and growth scan

I've got various other appointments in between because of my asthma, but even thought they are at my maternity hospital, they don't really discuss baby!

I'm a bit worried as I've only seen the mw once (at booking appt) and it's been doctors all the way since then! I would like to know who my mw is so at least I can get to know her!!!!

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