Midwife Appointment Today


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2010
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I had quite a surprise today. I had a check up with my midwife just to see what was happening with baby and whether he'd turned. I was really hopeful that he was on his way to head down as i'm sure I felt hiccups to the side of my bump yesterday.

Well, he's still well and truly head up and she thinks he's kind of in a crouching position. SHe double-checked with the doppler and could barely pick up his heartbeat nearer to my pelvis, but it was very strong near my ribcage, indicating he really is breech.

She also measured me and i'm measuring almost 3 weeks larger than I should be :shock:

I'm moving house tomorrow to a new area so she stressed the importance of getting registered with a midwife asap as if he is as big as they think it's most likely that they will give me a c-section at 38 weeks - that's just over 3 weeks' time!!!

I truly thought that she would tell me that he is head down and in the firing position, all this came as quite a shock!!

I may not be online for a little while until my broadband is switched to the new house, so for everyone who's baby is due now or soon - Good Luck! xx
Hi My Lo is also breech and has been for the majority of my pregnancy. I'm booked in for a section on 30th may @ 38+6 also im having a big baby im measure 6-7cms ahead.

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