Midwife appointment today!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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Hey all.

I had a midwife appointment today and we discussed my induction and she explained alot of things to me, They were on about inducing me at 38 weeks which is around 22nd December so i asked her if they would do it at this time as it could mean i would be in hospital on christmas day, I told her its not a big thing so if i have to be in then, then thats fine. But she said that they might try and work it so i get took in at 37+ weeks.....:shock: Wow... This isnt long at all lol and means we could have baby for christmas :).

Also she spoke to me about pain relief as she knows i am going to keep my options open for anything but i really wasnt overly joyed with the thought of an epidural and that this would be my last resort, Well she has told me today that i should maybe consider an epidural and explained that the pain is alot more intense when getting induced... Whats peoples opinions on this? I mean i dont know what i am going to be like or how i am going to cope with the pain so i think keeping all options open is the best way.

Another thing lol.... when she measured my tummy i am measuring 38cms what was everyone else measuring at about my time in their pregnancy?

Thanks xx
I've been told that when you are induced the pain can be more intense, I want to keep an open mind but I don't really fancy an epidural atm - that may change when labour actually starts!

I had my mw on thursday and measured 34cm

x x x
Thanks for tht hun. so i am measuring a bit big arent i? I have gestational diabetes so baby is rather large xx
I think with induction its not a gradual thing and thats why it can feel more intense, cause ur body is being forced so to speak into having contractions. Ive learnt alot about epidurals from my ante natal class and would like to try to avoid it but Im keeping my options open.... if I feel I cant cope Im not going to put myself through unneccessary pain and will have an epidural if I feel the need to :)

I have always measured about 2 weeks ahead but have now caught up... measured 36 yesterday.
Im sure if ur mw thought you were measuring too big she would have said something. Baby was probably just lying in a funny position :)
I have gestational diabetes so baby is rather large xx

thats prob why then hun. Ur measuring slightly big.... they say generally 2cm either way is fine but if uv diabetes then they prob expect you to be a bit bigger than usual :)
Thanks for that hunni. I know baby was measuring bigger than normal from the last scan.. Looking forwad to next scan to see how big he is then lol. xx

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