Midwife appointment today...

Dragonfly Fi

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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So, after getting my BFP yesterday, i had my booking in appointment at 2.30 today, the midwife came round to my house and suitably coo'd over J who was lovely as always, really reassured me about having two such young babies and said it would all be worth it in the end. Was very impressed with how much weight i have lost since having Jasper and said she has a really positive feeling about it all :)

I am going to have to be on Delta-Parin for the entire pregnancy... This is because of a superfical vein thrombosis that i got in the last pregnancy... Not looking forward to 8 monhts of injections in my stomach but hey ho, could be worse i suppose!

So i guess thats it, next stage is the 12 week scan!!

Excited, nervous and shcoked!!
Hi BB :)

Did you find out how far along you were roughly? Congrats on your pregnancy.

she reckons 8+3... i think thats WAY out though, i reckon i am only about 4/5 weeks on... will have to wait for the dating scan in a month to find out what is going on x
8+3 would be nice! A big chunk of tri 1 out of the way! ;)

erm... i am not in a rush for this pregnancy to be over! I have my little bean sprout Jasper and i LOVE spending time with him so much, i am so worried that having another baby will be hard for him :(
Ah it will be lovely for him! A wee brother or sister who will be close in age. It will be lovely growing up for them together.

Wow BigBump congratulations! Glad to see you back, hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months & J is doing well too xx
J is the most beautiful, wonderful caring little boy! he even tries to feed me his food and he's only 10mnths old! He is very attached though and i worry about a new baby ruining that for him, i am going to have to be really careful to make sure he gets the love and support he needs to continue being such a beautiful sweethearted little boy
I've heard that if you have your children close together there is often less of a jealousy issue. Has worked beautifully with my first two - they've been really close from the day my younger one was born, and are forever teaming up against my husband and me... So I'm sure your little one will be just fine!

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