Midwife appointment 37 +1 promising news!! Also anybody given birth in Aberdeen??


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2007
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Hi Girls. wasnt sure what to expect today as the midwives here are pretty useless sometimes, but measuring 36 weeks (was measuring 2 weeks ahead for past wee while) and baby's head is 1/5 engaged.

Hoping this is a good sign for not going overdue as babys head often doesnt engage til labour with second pregnancies. just need to wait and see now, but a lot happier than last week :)

anyone on the forum given birth in Aberdeen? just moved here and a bit nervous about it, heard mixed reviews. On a positive note, they appear to have a midwife led unit where i am booked in to and all going well, this is where i will have the baby. been told it is very relaxed and stress free.

If anyone has experience of aberdeen or midwife led units in general, I'd love to hear from you :)

Thanks Girls xxx
i havent sorry but im having Noa in a midwifeled unit and i cant wait! i will be disapointed if i have to go hospital..
my unit have in general 2-3 births a week so im sure i will get alot of attention, and yeah, i like attention :D

hope you dont have to wait too long hun, brill that head is already engaging as its second baby :D
still cant get my head around the arrival of another baby! its mental when i try to concentrate on it :lol:

you will go before me, so hopefully we'll get a chance to hear all about it before my time comes xx
Yay for positive appt! Seb was 3/5ths engaged at 37 weeks and isn't engaged at all now! Doh!

Haven't given birth at Aberdeen but if I have to go to hospital it's a midwife led unit and it seems lovely x hope that someone can share their experience with you x x
thanks helen. yeah ive read that baby can pop in and out of being engaged, but hoping he is gonna park his little butt there now and stay!

Happy Due Date!!! will post on other thread. xx
Thanks x

I seriously hope he stays parked in there for you!
So do i! Cant wait to go for a bath and see what is going on...

i was doing the washing up after tea and felt something strange, like baby moved, but also a dropping sensation. cant really describe it but i dont have feet in my ribs any more :dance:

The rib flare still hurts but no feet making it worse :yay:

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