Hi Girls. wasnt sure what to expect today as the midwives here are pretty useless sometimes, but measuring 36 weeks (was measuring 2 weeks ahead for past wee while) and baby's head is 1/5 engaged.
Hoping this is a good sign for not going overdue as babys head often doesnt engage til labour with second pregnancies. just need to wait and see now, but a lot happier than last week
anyone on the forum given birth in Aberdeen? just moved here and a bit nervous about it, heard mixed reviews. On a positive note, they appear to have a midwife led unit where i am booked in to and all going well, this is where i will have the baby. been told it is very relaxed and stress free.
If anyone has experience of aberdeen or midwife led units in general, I'd love to hear from you
Thanks Girls xxx
Hoping this is a good sign for not going overdue as babys head often doesnt engage til labour with second pregnancies. just need to wait and see now, but a lot happier than last week

anyone on the forum given birth in Aberdeen? just moved here and a bit nervous about it, heard mixed reviews. On a positive note, they appear to have a midwife led unit where i am booked in to and all going well, this is where i will have the baby. been told it is very relaxed and stress free.
If anyone has experience of aberdeen or midwife led units in general, I'd love to hear from you

Thanks Girls xxx