Midwife annoyed me! :)


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2010
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Went to see midwife this morning and she was listening to heartbeat and I told her iv felt most kicks on the left side and she basically told me I was wrong and I wasnt feeling kicks yet!!!!! Its my THIRD baby I know what a kick feels like my husband has felt it and so has my mum my whole belly moves im nearly 5 months pregnant why wouldnt I feel kicks on my left side I was so angry when I got home I layed down n put my hands on my belly and sure enough felt kicks on my left side! she really annoyed me she tried telling me I was feeling my ligaments stretching not baby grrrr! I know what I feel x
Stupid midwife! Of course you know if its kicks or not! plus your 19 weeks why wouldnt you be feeling kick by now? I certainly was at 19 weeks.. just ignore her.. you know your own body and she evidentally is stupid. Could you try changing midwives? I wouldnt want someone like that caring for me and my baby ?? xx
Oh im 19 weeks and im not feeling kicks :( :(
haha ring them up and tell them you want to change midwives as the 1 you have is stupid what a tit of a woman xx
Definitely a tit. It's a shame baby can't kick her in the face...maybe you should instead!

Sounds like an idiot of a woman, you know your body better than anyone.. And I'm sure after already having 2 babys you know what a kick feels like :) I would try and change midwife if she's acting like that xxx
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What a bitch... I was feeling movement at 16 week and this is my first! Silly woman!!! x
I know I couldnt believe it its deffinately kicks iv been feeling flutters since about 10 weeks with this one my other 2 it was about 16 weeks but I know a kick when I feel one and by belly even moves iv been watching it move tonight!!! there isnt another midwife at my docs so it would mean travelling further for my appointments and its a bit of a nightmare when iv got 1 child in nursery at mornings then 1 to pick up at 3 I dont see her again till im 28weeks anyway I swear I wanted to punch her in the face when she said it when we came out my husband said well iv felt the kicks so shes just an idiot! and how can you mistake ligaments stretching for kicks in what I wanna know?????? its really wound me right up x
I wish I had now but at the time I was quite shocked at what she had just said to me, I was so rushed today I must have been there all of 5 mins she idnt ask me how I was feeling or anything there was nothing and I wont see her for another 9 weeks no1 has spoken to me about my homebirth or breastfeeding or ante-natal classes yet or anything im completely lost I no its my 3rd baby but a bit of support would be nice and some advice x

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