Met with my consultant


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2006
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Hi girls,

Well I finally met with my consultant at the hospital to talk about why I gave birth to my first son at 34 weeks (my waters just went for no reason and he was born 4 hours later!).

They reckon I had group b strep that went undetected and then made my waters rupture :shock: It's not 100% but its kind of good to know a reason.

So, for this baby, they have scheduled in extra scans at 28 & 34 weeks, I have to have a high cervical swab taken at every midwife appointment (yuck - :puke:) and from now until the birth, I have antibiotic cream to take which is disgusting. I guess it is all for a good cause!

They reckon that no infection can get past them with all this :rotfl:

Hope you are all well :D
its good that their keeping an eye on you hun, I sympathise with the cervical swab, I had to have an internal and it was the most awful thing ever. Yay for getting to see LO again! :cheer:
Im glad they are looking after you too!! :hug:
Glad to hear they're looking after you. No infection will get past all that :D

It's really interesting to hear what's happening to you because my waters went at 34+2 with my first baby. I was contracting but they kept stopping and starting and was induced at 35 weeks.

I never found out why my waters broke.

Apart from seeing the consultant at 36 weeks, they're not doing anything extra for me.

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