

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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Hi ladies,

Just looking for some info really,

I have my 1st consultant appointment tomorrow, i am under a consultant as i had a premature birth with my daughter and she was born at 33wks..on Valentines day :)
i have no idea why i went in to labour early, so do you think he will be able to tell me, will he have my old pregnancy notes.

but basically i just want to know what to expect as i have heard different storys from different people, some people have said that they will do a internal scan of my cervix to see if thats all normal, book for extra scan around 28 - 34 weeks, or just mostly talking?

any info would be appreciated :)

sorry no idea hun but everything ppl have suggested sound like they would make sense! hope someone can fill u in. x
How did it go with the doctor hun? Well I guess by now you dont need advise but if you want to compare notes.... I also had an appointment with a consultant today. This is my first pregnancy but I was referred because last year I had an abnormal smear test and had to have some abnormal cells biopsied and removed from my cervix. The consultant today did very little to be honest. There was a midwife in the appointment too and she was really nice and she was pretty much telling the consultant what should be done. Basically it was decided that when I have my 20 wk anomoly scan, I will also have an internal scan to measure my cervix. This is because apparently when you have the cells lasered off like I had, the cervix can be left scarred and this can cause problems with the cervix dilating during labour although it is not very common. so they are going to measure my cervix and this will determine if I have been left with any scarring.
hey kelly, hope it all goes ok today, just thought id ask a quick questions and my mum has a theory on why both me and her were bron prem!

whats yours and oh's blood type???
my nan is A- and gramps is O+ out of 6 of there kids 3 were prem!
my mum is A- and my dad is O+ i was prem, but my little bro wasnt!

im (apperently ... need mw to confirm) O+ and my oh is A- compline that with my low levels os PAPP-A i'm now confident im going to have a prem baby! just got to try and convince the mw now!
I too am under consultant care as my 2 previous pregnancies I had high BP which was nearly pre-eclampsia. With this one though I have a cyst growing by the day not attached or anywhere near the baby but they are keeping an eye on me as it is now causing me problems and pain so I think I will have to have it drained!!! YUK x
If you had your baby under the same NHS Trust then they will have your notes. I saw a consultant last week & was so annoyed & upset afterwards as they didn't have my notes! I had my son under a different trust & they'd not been sent across. I'd told my midwife back in November of my concerns & she said she'd request them & obviously hasn't. I called her last week I wanted them & she said she'd get them straight away. I received another letter saying I had another appointment on 14th Feb & as I didn't want a wasted journey I called the consultant & surprise surprise no notes!!!
Hopefully they'll have your notes & can discuss what happened last time & the chances of it happening again & also your options available for this time. If they don't have your notes - please keep pushing for them as you don't want to spend the rest of your pregnancy worrying about what will happen this time around. We deserve to know what happened & have a right to enjoy things this time around if we know it's possible & if it's not, we at least know the hospital will be aware & prepared.

Good luck hun.

Sunnyb xxx
Just Got Back after waiting a hour after my original appointment, he did have my old notes and went through them with me, there was no reason why i went into labour early with brooke, so it was just one of those things.. and i have a 1 in 10 chance of having this baby early again, which is good! :)

he also said as i have had no bleeding or any other problems with this pregnancy and i will still be under the consultant but i will only have to see him again if i have any problems.

so all went really well, and he also confirmed that the movements i have been feeling are the baby :) xx

thanks for all your advice/info..

I'm so pleased it went well for you & you can now get on with & enjoy the rest of your pregnancy hun x

Sunnyb xxx

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