Menstrual complaints


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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well i was due on yesterday and this morning i have got like a flash Migraine, it started with the vision going then my eyes started and now i have a banging headache, the other symptoms went within half an hour of each other but i still have the headache, thinking back i am sure i had this last month aswell, di you think this could be a sign the witch is on her way? i never had it before i had Glenn its just this past month (last one)
does anyone else have this?
just to say i havent had the usual backache or sore (.)(.) so was just wondering if things were changing.
:think: :think: u have discribed me to a T this has also ttarted happenign to me just a few months after having LO.... so may be it could be something to do with hormone changes / imbalances.

i get the same as u my vision starts goin - if i look at the computer or a book i seem to get half the word missing..then unless i take my tablet (explain below in a sec) themn ill get zig/zags in my vision then within 20-20 mins the headache/vomiting this can last for 3 days (with out medication then after symptoms pass i just feel weak like after the flu.

this can happen to me just b4/after period AND if im over tired

as i am having them regularly and they take me to bed for 3 days the doctor has put me on beta - blockers these took time to work (28 days to get hold of ur system ) but now they seem to be preventing them from coming on.

another good tablet i have is Nargamig (very similar to those new things on TV) only these are on script with nargamig i take it as soon as vision goes . 9/10 it stops the full attack i just feel a bit weak but doc said this will be the tablet more than the attack.

if u do find it happens every month or more that one a month as ur doc cabout nargamig they are honestly very good i have tired so many pills for this over the last few months and nargamig is the only one to work .

let me know how u get on....hope u dont feel rough to long it horrid to have a migraine full stop let alone being a mummy it hits u harder when u have LO's. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Do you know, when i was younger around the time my periods started i used to get Migraines really bad just like you described for a good couple of days at a time, complete with vomiting, anyway, when i had the kids they seemed to slow off a bit but since i left a gap between babies i must have totally forgot about these episodes, my mum and sister all suffered from hormonal migraines aswell, my sister even had to be put on beta-blockers like you, her boys are 6 and 3 and she has just started to get over the attacks but still has to beware of triggers such as cheese and orange juice and chocolate around the time of month she gets her period, its terrible isnt it, it must be due to the imbalance of hormones, i really feel for you having such bad attacks and i will write the name of those tablets down you mentioned so i can ask the doctor for some when i go, thanks for that.x

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