Bit scared off to docs this morning **UPDATED**


The doctor at the hospital told me they can be induced by the pregnancy hormones.

They told me to ring the labour ward if it happened again, but only if it was 'different' if that makes sense.

However, I know how scary it is, and if I started getting my zig zag lines again I think I'd def at least phone my mw for reassurance, as i'm a major panicker!

Hope thats helped a bit...
I am going to call the doctors in the morning and just go get checked over again.

I'm a bit scared but it is no worse than when i first had it last Sunday. In fact it wasn't as bad as last week but still the same.

My GP last week didn't seem overly concerned but did say to get back in touch if the headache didn't go. TBH the headache i have now is not as bad as last week it's just affecting one side of my head and my sinuses feel sore.

I know my BP is prob low still and the chances are my urine will be clear if it was last week.

Thanks for your advice though x
I dont much about migraines but i hope you feel better soon.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I've just got back from the doctors and he seems to think it is still Migraines I am suffering from. Explained about the same thing happening last week and he checked BP still Normal (but low), checked water (OK) and had a look in my eyes and said they looked fine too.

I used to get the occasional Migraine a long time ago when George was a toddler and he did say they can return during pregnancy even if you haven't had them for a long time. So I'm just assuming thats all it is.
I hope it doesn't come back, migraines are hell! I went through a phase of getting them whilst at uni :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm worried now in case I start to get them really regular. Yesterday's wasn't too bad but we had just gone gone for a long ride out and we had just got to where we were going to and then it started - I was really hacked off.

I'm wondering if it is just hormones setting it off?

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