Memory quilts/baby clothes quilts - anyone?


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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This was mentioned in a TV show we just watched and so I Googled up on them.

Memory quilts, made from your LO clothes once outgrown. I've only found US based places and sites so far but am looking for a UK one.

I can't sew and asking me to use a sewing machine is like asking me to pilot the Space Shuttle :lol:

But I do like the idea and would love to do one for Galen and use my favourite clothes of his from his childhood rather than sell them on or just keep them boxed up and hardly ever seen. I"m thinking I'll have to wait a while till he is older and we have done with the clothes and have enough, but I havn't sold on most of the things I really liked and shall keep them back for a quilt now (and to use for second baby if we have one).

Anyone else got plans to do one or has done one? Did you find a UK site with patterns or who would make one for you from clothes sent to them?

And if anyone has made one, would you like to post some pics :)
oooooh ive never heard of them tbh have you any links??
:D Yeh this is what I am doing with all Ivys clothes I didn't realize it was becoming a "trend" I just knew I wanted to do something special with her clothes and I maybe stupid with most other things but I can actually stitch lol! :D
Oooo and just to add I will probably only do it for her first years worth of clothes and make one quilt from that. :)
The idea is lovely but I just couldn't part with some of lil miss' clothes...most were Tia's so they have lots of sentimental value... would break my heart to take a pair of scissors to them :(
I always intended making one as I love quilting but now I really don't think I could cut up her clothes :oops:

If you wanted to have a go with a sewing machine there is a really easy way of piecing for quilting. It's name escapes me at the moment as it's late but if you're interested let me know.
I'm with Squiglet on this! I LOVE the idea, but i can't bring myself to do that to her clothes!
Im doing one ! Well so far iv just put clothes i like and would cut up, or clothes that i loved but shes stained a bit, or nice pattern babygrows she doesnt fit in anymore into a trunk, and il gradually fill it up til theres enough to work with, some bits though dresses her first clothes etc i couldnt bare to cut up !
yep another one doing it here! patchwork is actually quite simple and your stitchwork for the patchwork bit doesnt have to be that neat, its the quilting part thats difficult so nanny will be doing it. I'm sending bits to both nannies and me to do and will give it to spud when she is older.
I can understand not wanting to cut up some of the clothes. I'd never cut up the first thing Galen wore after he was born. It may not be fancy, but the yellow and blue striped sleepsuit is a keeper :) And a couple of other outfits he has worn.

But most of his stuff, rather than store it in a box and only look at it from time to time in the future seems such a shame to me. I hope to, once we have had all the children we hope for to make quilts for ourselves and them. So will be using clothes up to about age 3 probably. I love the idea of having a big throw on our bed that I can see each morning when I wake with all his little outfits cut and sewn into it.

Then I'll use other material also and make 3 big throws hopefully. If not then one big throw and smaller quilts for the children.

If I only end up making smaller quilts all round then I'll not use as many clothes.

Links to US sites I found (and its a very popular thing over there)
sparky said:
yep another one doing it here! patchwork is actually quite simple and your stitchwork for the patchwork bit doesnt have to be that neat, its the quilting part thats difficult so nanny will be doing it. I'm sending bits to both nannies and me to do and will give it to spud when she is older.

It's the cutting out and piecing that I don't like - I love the quilting part :lol: I just don't have enough patience for getting all my pieces lined up 100% and in the past have made somethings that were not as good as they should have been because my corners didn't all line up. And I always machine piece as I can't be bothered with hand sewing it as i find it boring. The hand quilting is nice and relaxing though. it's funny how different people prefer different things :D
I'm making one out of Jessie's first year clothes, I'm also picking my favourite picture from each month and having that put on fabric so they can go on it too (I've just sorted out my 5 month picture) At the moment all the little outfits and these are in a drawer under the bed and then once she's one I'm intending to start, I love doing things like that.
My friend made Eva a plain quilt when she was born onto which she has added little embroidered patches with her name and birthday, starsign etc, a little poem and a picture, the idea being that I will add patches of special clothes. I thought it was a lovely idea and maybe a little easier than making a quilt from scratch as the patches can be any size and the quilt sort of 'self quilts' as the patches are added, although when I decide its finished I might do more stitching on top.

The same friend embroidered another little patch to mark Evas 1st christmas and tucked it in my xmas card, so I have that to add but like others have said it will be a while before I can bring myself to chop up her clothes even though it will be a much better use for them than decorating the inside of a box in the loft :lol:

Such a nice thing to have in future though :D

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