Medical assessment appointment on maternity allowance - doesn't sound right


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2010
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I used to get called for a medical when I claimed ESA. I got a letter through the other day to say come in for a medical. Just called to say that I'm not claiming ESA, and the horrible receptionist said that it was for the MA I'm claiming (she was horrible because I wanted to delay it until I've recovered from my C-section - she was sooo rude and was telling me no!). I said I'd only ever had this appointment with ESA, and she kept saying it was cos I'm on a benefit. Errr, OK, but I never had it with JSA!!

Does it sound right to you?
If i were you Id ask your midwife for advice on whether you should be leaving the house and travelling etc... You'll probably find that she advises you to stay home until youre feeling better. Then you can tell them that your midwife has advised you this and tell them that they can come round to assess you if they wish. you shouldnt be expected to go out and about so soon after surgery.
plus what are they gong to assess you for anyway? If they want to know if you have really had a baby they could just ring the hospital. There must be a procedure for people who have just had surgery. :confused:
Im on MA and was on ESA but I havent been asked to go in for a medical?? Must be some mistake xx
I wasn't on ESA but was on ma and never had a medical xx
Thanks girls xx
I called ESA peeps today, and they confirmed it was a mistake. Phew!! Knew it sounded dodge.

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