Measuring Big at 28 weeks & Worried


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2012
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Hi All,

I have just joined here to hopefully find some advice, Yesterday i had my 28 week visit with the midwife, all was well with baby's (girl) heartbeat and movements however yesterday was the first time i was measured. My midwife was concerned as my fundal height measured at 35cm :(

I have an appointment with my consultant on tuesday to hopefully find out why, Im just hoping that she is a big baby and theres nothing to worry about, This is my 1st Pregnancy. I had started to show from pretty much 12-13 week stage.

Has this happened to anyone ?? im trying not to worry but its constantly on my mind now

Please helpp !!
Some other ladies on here better able to help cause a few have been big for dates, but it isn't an exact science, and also can be to do with the amount of fluid I think??
I'm exactly the same, always shown big, 1st child and a girl. Fundal height not that accurate so I've been having growth scans every 4 weeks. You may be offered a GTT to test for diabetes. Try not to worry, it's all quite normal and even of they think your LO is big, she may just be average x
i was measuring big......i did have a big baby but not as big as they thought and the growth scans showed....i delivered at 38+5 weeks measuring 43 weeks and the scan showed she was 9lb but she was 8lb 4.

I was tested for Gestational Diabetes but it was negative......a lot of it was how she was lying i think......try not to worry.

you could also have excess fluid but the scan will show this too...
Thank you for your replies, my midwife wasnt very reassuring which worried me even more ! i also suffer from PCOS and would have thought by now id be tested for diabetes my bp was good and no unordinary traces found in my urine sample, il have to wait it out until Tuesday.....which seems a lifetime away :(
I was measuring big at 28 weeks and midwife just said she would keep an eye on it because baby could have just been led awkwardly hat day. Then at 32 weeks I was still measuring big ao she sent me for a growth scan to see whether baby was big or whether there was just a lot of water. I then had these growh scans every 3 to 4 weeks and also Had a gestational diabetes test which came back negative.

I had a 9lb 14oz baby by c section and it was a wonderful experience. Difficult but amazing.
I also have PCOS, try not to worry xx
Hey hun

With my son when I was 28 weeks I measured 36 weeks. I was polyhymdramnios, excess fluid and plenty of it. There are quite a few reasons to measure ahead so much so once you've seen the consultant if you are excess fluid carrier and have any questions or would like to know my pregnancy and labour experience please feel free to pm me any time.

When my waters went at 38+5 I measured 55 weeks!!! :shock:

i measured normal at every appointment until 38 weeks where i was measured at 42cm. i had no growth scan or anything and noone mentioned the possibility of my baby being big. last week i delivered a 10lb14oz lil girl lol. au natural with just the episiotomy, gas and air and diamorphine. its been fine since really but was a bit of a shock to say the least
Hi Girls,

Thank you so much for your advice, I feel much more relaxed know, im going to try no to worry all weekend and wait to see what happens on Tuesday, I will keep you updated

Thanks again XX
I'm measuring big for my dates too. At 32 weeks I'm measuring 41 weeks. Had gt test and all fine. Also have had two growth scans and fluid is fine , they think I'm just going to have a chubby baby lol as at yesterdays scan baby AC was measuring 34 weeks lol you be fine once you see consultant plus if u need a growth scan it's so lovely to see baby again!!!

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