I wouldnt worry about it too much, sometimes baby measures big then small and eventually just catches up to where it should be. If your midwife was concerned she would have booked you in for further tests. I've measured a week ahead then 2 behind then right on target They certainly keep us on our toes dont they!
I think a couple of cms either way is fine. It could just be the position the baby is lying in or lots of other things. Its only a rough guide anyway. I was measuring about 6cm ahead with my 3rd and they were not bothered about it.
Fundal height was one of the lesser advanced ways to have a guess at a woman's point in pregnancy but now we have scans, so its ridiculous they still use it changes in measurement can be altered by anything from pre-pregnancy body shape to the way LO's lying, please don't worry too much about it I think it should be banned, all the worry it causes
Take my advice and ignore them stupid measurements!
They have caused me nothing but worry when there hasn't even been anything to worry about!
For the past few months my fundal height has been measuring 2 weeks behind so the MW keeps sending me for scans which worries me sick until I get there and all the measurements are always normal so them stupid flippin' tape measures are crappy useless worrying crap!
I have a growth scan on Thursday and I know I don't need it.
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