me and my probs lol


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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i need ur help the other day i went to the docs and found out i need to destress as im getting a stomach ulcers and i know this will prob me to much info but i am suffering alot with diorreahea (spl) is this coz of the ulcer or am i messed up some other way to lol
not sure hun, the best thing to do would be to perhaps call NHS direct if you are worried????
Big hugs coming your way!! :hug: :hug:

Sounds like a bit of stress and bad nerves! You're going to have to take care of yourself sweetie! Try and chat to someone about things so that you can put things into perspective (work stuff troubling you).

I don't want you to get so unwell - you're far too young for stress!!!

Get well soon
Emilia xx
lol iv tried emelia its so funny for the last 3 days iv had hardley ne pain and (iv been offwork) then tonite iv had a few bad spells going bck tomoz im getting convinced its summit to do wit work but wot am i ment to do
the doc sed i was only 18 i shouldnt have stress but braydon seriously likes to play up lol and work is just so stressfull with everything like this lady trying to get me sacked
Braydon will be playing up to get your attention. No doubt you're just so mentally exhausted and troubled, you're not being yourself and he can pick up on that. He'll prod and poke until he gets your attention - even if that means getting up to mischief!

Could it be Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Anyway - you're a good mummy Sarah - don't let things get you so down that you're losing sight of your little boys' behaviour. Like I said in my previous post on your other thread - as much as you want your old baby back - he probably wants his old mummy back!

He's your number one priority! As long as you're both ok - that's all that matters. It's just a job - go in there tomorrow and shut yourself off from the rest of it. Just do your job and go home! Don't get involved - just get it over and done with.

You can do it - you deserve only the best and Braydon is so lucky to have such a great mummy! Give yourself a pat on the back!!

Emilia xx
awww thanks emelia u made me cry hehe i cant wait till i can look for another job
i thought that but the doc sed it was an ulcer and food dont set it off thought thats wot IBS did?

Hun i havew no idea if thos eare linked or not its odd cuz all week i havent been able to stay off the toilet myself maybe its somthing totally different?
I really hope you start to feel better soon and me being young myself know age doesnt matter you can still have the same stress as a 40 year old ,doesnt help that you work in a place that treats you like crap.
:hug: if your worried phone your doc.
Hi hun you need to watch that your stress isn't bringing on IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) I suffer from this and I know some others on here do to.

I'd get an appointment with your Doctor if it hasn't subsided.. Take care x :hug:

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