Mc and ov


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2013
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How long after a miscarriage can one ovulate ? I know everyone is different but if you have been through this or know please post your experience

Thanks ladies
I would be interested in knowing this too, going into hosp tomorrow for medical mgmt following missed mc.
Want it to all be over and myself and partner feel we want to start ttc as soon as possible!
Have heard u r more fertile immediately following mc, is this true??
I had a mc in August and began ovulating as normal two weeks later. My first AF after mc was later though, 31 days instead of 28. We haven't caught since although I have heard you're more fertile afterwards.

Sorry for your loss, its an awful thing to have to go through.
Sorry for your loss. I think the earlier you miscarry the less likely it is to mess with your cycle too badly (and may even improve subsequent fertility). I miscarried at 6 weeks and counted the day I miscarried as cd1, I ovulated exactly on time cd17 (using opk/temping/ov pain) - it was a strong ovulation too based on temps (big temp spike post ov) unfortunately I don't think it's resulted in a BFP for us this month but there may be something to the 'being more fertile after miscarriage' theory so hoping I get another good ov next cycle too �� wishing you all the best xxx
My early losses (3 x 5 weeks) I ovulated a day or two later than usual but they were more or less normal cycles. My 14 week loss and my 8 week loss took about 3 weeks after bleeding to ovulate.
I didn't track ov immediately after my loss at 20 weeks but signs of ov came around 2 weeks and af arrived after 28 days.
My period/ov didn't return after mc. I ended up having a bleed induced. Since then my cycles have been nearly 10 days longer than before. I think I'm unusual though and most ladies seem to get back to normal fairly soon.
I have been testing and got a flashy smile today and if i take first day of bleed as af i am cd13 and usually ov cd14/15. Please dont judge but we are trying straight away doctor said should be ok due to the fact of early mc and all natural . We did the baby dance last night and will do tomorrow again .
No ones here to judge you sweetie, we all cope and do things in our own time when we are ready. We tried again straight away after each mc except the 14 week one as we waited until we had the results back of why we lost him. We had to miss 3 ovulations before the results were back and it nearly killed me waiting. Good luck xx

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