Maybe pregnant? Please help


New Member
Sep 15, 2007
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Hi all,

Me and my boyfriend went away about 3 weeks ago and I wasn't great with my pill. I think I missed it twice in a total of a week.

I am not due until Friday next week but for the past week I have been getting dull cramps like I'm due on, but they are pretty constant. Also my boobs are a bit by this I mean the little bumps around the areola are a little more and more prominent. Now I've read on the net and both of these are early symptoms.

Girls, what are the chances of being pregnant when missing 2 pills? Not one after the other. A few days apart.

I've done two tests, which I know are too early as period is not due till Friday. Have any of you ever found out before your period was due?

Thanks! :)
Well the chances i think is quite slim ( although you never know)
its probably because your body is confused , when u piss a pill then take one then miss some it confuses your body. i have done this before and my periods were all over the place you probably may find your period will come but it will either be late or early.
hope this has helped. keep us posted
just by missing 1 pill you are unprotected for a whole week missing 2 pills that 2 weeks your unprotected so id say there is a pretty good chance you are....

i know because i was on the pill i only missed 1 day and look were i am now 15 weeks pregs... the midwife said that after you miss a pill it wont become effective again untill 7 days...
I was told by my Doctor a few years back that missing the pill here and there doesn't neccissarily mean you're unprotected. If you have been taking it regularly up until you missed it then there will be enough in your system to cover yourself. I don't agree totally with Tegala - if you was unprotected for a whole week wouldn't you have a withdrawal bleed? But then women do get caught out after missing one pill, it just depends on your body I guess. It's really hard to say. Best thing to do is wait for your period and if it doesn't arrive then test. If you think you could be then your mind does play tricks on you and you focus on every little symptom. Good luck, I hope you get the result you want.
i spose every womens body is different and you should wait untill you have missed a period.

its just what happend 2 me :)

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