Maybe I'm just over thinking? Opinions needed


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2016
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Just been feeling off lately. My partner and I have sex usually a couple times a day and lately I've been pretty late or even missed a few of my pills. A few days ago I had a tiny bit of spotting of brown blood and very light cramps. Now my breasts are really sore like it even hurts to wear a bra, I'm extremely tired, I've been constipated and nauseous. Also I've been getting heartburn which is something I never have. According to my pills I should be getting my period in 4 days, so should I wait until then to test?
Yeah do a test then so its not too early. How would you feel if you were to be pregnant?
I would definitely be scared, but I have a lot of support. My partner and I have also talked about having kids just not this early
I forgot to mention I've also had terrible headaches and cramps but they don't feel like the regular period cramps that I normally get
It is sounding positive, let us know what the test says. Its good you have support
Hi! Looking for some advice!
Madi9879 definately sounds like you have some symptoms! Wait a few days and test if you miss the first day of your would be period. Great that you have support!

Im in a similar boat in that im experiencing things ive not had before. I have a line from my navel to my pubic area that appeared just over a week ago, im terribly bloated, sore boobs, and now i have prominent veins on my hips, tops of thighs and boobs. Thoughts? Period was due yesterday but i have had the occasional irregular cycle so not sure what to think. Thanks guys! X
Zobo87 those definitely sound like symptoms to me and if you're a day past your period I would go get a test
Thanks for your reply. I have a tendency to symptom spot. But this line is not something I can imagine. It's right there. Been reading up on it though and although it's common in pregnancy, it doesn't normally appear until much later, like 5 months! I'm going to get a test tomorrow and do it on Saturday with first morning wee (to put it bluntly haha). Fingers crossed! X
Been noticing I'm getting a stuffy nose, also been going from really hot to really cold. I'm so tired it's been hard to make it through the work day, I'm wondering if I'm just maybe getting a cold or the flu

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