No, not lifted anything at work was just sitting down. Was the middle of the night when it was quiet. Just two wipes and gone again, nothing since. I have been having sharp pains too, for a few days now, their not constant tho, I've actually had pains for he last two weeks not cramps actual pain. Terrifying isnt it. I'm 11 weeks tomorrow too.
Yeah when I had spotting last week midwife wasnt concerned she just said was probably down to coughing but i haven't been coughing today.
Yes, my manager knows, I haven't had my risk assessment yet though as we are struggling to find a time where we can both meet (difficult as I'm on nights)
You have to be refered to our EPU, and when i had spotting last week she didn't want me to get another scan as I'd already had two
. She also reckoned the spotting could be from the bicornuate uterus as the side that the baby's not in doesn't realise its pregnant.
Do you think shed mind if I text her say about 8am incase shes sleeping? I'm just going home from work now xxx