may be a silly question but need to ask ??


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2010
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I've read that most pregnant women should have started getting leaking nipples by now as the milk has started forming in the breast. My sister is 4 days behind me in pregnancy and her nipples have been leaking.

I'm just wondering if there is a problem with me, am I not forming milk for my baby as I havent had leaking nipples, my breasts dont feel any different or bigger? Even my OH has tried to see if anything leaks out them but nothing does.

Should I be worried ??

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No chick x don't be worried, some women don't produce milk until a few hours after the birth x if you don't produce on your own, then the hospital can give you a few hormone tablets to get it going x but not a lot of ladies tend to need those x :) x
Mine haven't leaked yet either for some reason. They are just slightly bigger and I've breastfed before so im assuming once baby is here it will come through.
Yeah dont get me wrong, the nipples are slightly bigger but my boobs havent grown atall through the pregnancy and deffinately no leaking nipples xx

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I wouldn't worry about it. When the placenta is delivered and baby is put on your chest, it will kick in. Remember there is really only going to be colostrum for the first few days anyway until real milk comes in.
Mine leaked towards the end with Sam - used to wake up with big wet patches :blush: but I didn't leak at all with Toby, and I'm still breastfeeding him nearly 16 months later so it definitely wasn't anything to worry about :)
Not all women do at all - your placenta produces high levels of progesterone which inhibits production of milk (not completely in all pregnant women). Removal of the placenta after birth results in a sudden drop in progesterone levels and it's that which allows your milk production to begin properly - so it doesn't matter at all if you're not leaking while you're pregnant x
I've read that most pregnant women should have started getting leaking nipples by now as the milk has started forming in the breast. My sister is 4 days behind me in pregnancy and her nipples have been leaking.

I'm just wondering if there is a problem with me, am I not forming milk for my baby as I havent had leaking nipples, my breasts dont feel any different or bigger? Even my OH has tried to see if anything leaks out them but nothing does.

Should I be worried ??

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I'm 39 weeks and haven't leaked yet...Planning to breastfeed too so I hope there isn't a problem with me :oooo:
I never had any milk come in with charley. After birth my boobs really hurt but they never leaked!
I never leaked in previous pregnancies until a few days after the birth. Still managed to feed fine as soon as they were born, so please don't worry, in fact count yourself lucky!:)
Thanks, you have all put my mind at rest. I thought I wasnt normal lol xx
Yeah Defo nothing to worry about! I've leaked from 24 weeks and my midwife was like "you wierdo" lol as a lot of people don't leak at all. X
i havehad the tiniest 'drip' once but that was it nothing since im wanting to breastfeed but am not stressing as im sure the milk will come through eventually, if it doesnt then its just not meant to be! xx
leaking doens't tell anything about how much milk you will have and if you will have a sufficient production after the baby is born. I didn't leak with the first and the first few days I didn't either (when my baby was born I mean), only around day 7 I started to leak a little but also not a lot (in between feedings). It depends on how tight your muscles are in the areola part of the breast. you could easily produce enough (or even too much) milk and never leak or leak like crazy but not produce enough. Or ofcourse anything in between.
I'm so glad u asked this.....I haven't leaked a drop. I did try n force a Lil out n got a tiny drop but I wanted to see if there were anything in there.
I thought ur boobs were suppose to leak. Mine don't do anything :(
its more common for women not to leak than it is to leak. i was telling my mum that mine had started leaking when i was about 24w and she was confused and never heard of them leaking before and she has had 2 children. Only my left 1 leaks.... and only in bed when im lyin on my left hand side cuddled up to OH. its not until one of us moves slightly we notice a wet patch...:blush:
I didn't leak with either of mine and I had my son early at 30 weeks and even then I was producing milk after the birth. I had to express for him as he was in NICU and I had no trouble. Once baby is here you will be leaking non stop!
Hi, my mind has also been put at rest, I'm 26 weeks pregnant and leaked last night and this morning, only a tiny bit and was confused as I didn't think this happened until after the baby was here so thank you!

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