May as well be on my own....


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2008
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I feel really sad about the lack of support I am getting from my OH. I feel like I am constantly nagging him to help me with things around the house. He is so lazy and I am so tired. When I try and tell him how I feel he laughs and tells me 'not to be so silly'. We don't have any intimacy anymore because I am so angry with how little he supports me I push him away at the slightest touch. He doesnt even bring financial security for us as I am the primary breadwinner. I just feel like I might be better by myself. I'm not even sure whether I love him anymore because I am so wrapped up in anger. Its such a shame because I am loving being a mummy and I adore my daughter, am so happy when it's just me and her. This is putting such a sour edge to things. What should I do?
You sound like your in the exact same situation as i'm in.
My OH is a complete waste of space an takes, takes takes & gives nothing in return.
I kicked him out & i'm determined to not let him back in, He doesn't help financialy & he's just eating food an wasting gas & elec that i have to pay for so it's pretty unfair on me.
Most men these days need a kick up the feckin ass :evil:
Oh has never helped me from the start an i've put up with it for a year... a year too long! I've took the big step of throwing him out now! he only stresses me out when hes around here an it's not fair on my DD as she'l sence me being annoyed & i'd much prefer to be happy than with a lowlife piece of poop!
I hope you find a way to work things out! I know how your feeling, i really do :hug: :hug:
know what you mean about even wasting the electricity. If I had a pound for every time I have to tell him to turn off the bloody light when he has left a room/turn off the tap properly so it doesnt drip etc etc.......Soooooooooooo f-ing LAZY!!!!

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