I just want to tell random people on the street that I’m pregnant. At the moment just me, husband and best friend are in the know and I feel like i’m lying all the time to everyone else.
Take this Friday for example, it’s my birthday at the weekend and I’m having a pizza, wine and hot tub party with all my mummy friends (who all have children DS’s age). I’m going to have to dodge out to the kitchen to top up my glass with shloer so nobody glugs wine into it (the yummy mummies are a thirsty lot and anyone with less than half a glass gets a top up if they want it or not!), then I have to dodge the perils of the hot tub - I have set it down to 37.5 rather than the usual 39 and I hope everyone else is too sloshed to notice it is warm rather than roasting, next the inevitable shots will be lined up - cue toilet trip and then, what’s worse, is the ‘whose hangover is worst’ come Saturday morning messenger conversations. At least the pizza is risk free........
Also, I’m a teacher and the activities organiser is like ‘right, an I put you down for the residential trip at the end of April and the one in May?’ And I have to be like ‘yeah, sure, put me down’ as I can hardly say ‘sorry, I’ll be too fat to supervise hoards on small children 40ft up a climbing wall or potholong in a teeny tunnel 3 hours from civilisation let alone labour ward’