*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***


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Aug 16, 2017
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Thought I should start a thread for those of us with an estimated due date of May 2018. It's very early days for me so I hope I'm not speaking too soon, but I can't help myself. If you give me your dates I'll figure out how to update this post as the month progresses:

01 May 2018 - Sparrow, cuddable, Jodie89
03 May 2018 - Paleandsquishy, gymbabeliz
04 May 2018 - ChloeNat, Billy CC, miguelita426
05 May 2018 - holli
09 May 2018 - Rascal
10 May 2018 - andrewswifey
11 May 2018 - kitty2013
12 May 2018 - BeccaM
13 May 2018 - Rainbowteacher, angel babe, NatG11, Hollowmama
14 May 2018 - rh2014
15 May 2028 - AndBabyMakes5
16 May 2018 - stargirl
18 May 2018 - Onion
19 May 2018 - kaypee
21 May 2018 - loopylucy1990, Mrs_Emmy, Dannii123, sazza518, HnnhSrh
22 May 2018 - Tbee
24 May 2018 - may18
27 May 2018 - CJ_82
30 May 2018 - Hoody81
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Hi Sparrow! I just got my BFP (early days yet since I tested 5 days before AF!) but hopefully if all goes well, my due date is 5th May 2018. :) Looking forward to spending time with all the May mummies in the next few months! <3
Congratulations! I've added your date to the first post. It's early days for me too and I'm scrutinising every symptom. I've been feeling a bit rough the last 6 days and I actually feel quite a bit better today, I'll probably curse myself for saying this but I miss feeling rough because it was also reassuring. How are you feeling?

I wish I had symptoms! Minus my BFP, I can't tell any difference. I've POAS with fmu every day since, and noticed my line is fainter, which makes me extra stressed out. :( Really hoping all goes well!! I've never been so excited to feel nauseous lol. xxx
Have you been taking the same brand of tests each day? I panicked one day when the line was fainter but I read the box and that particular test was a lot less sensitive than the others I had taken. I don't think I will relax at all though until I have that first scan, or maybe not until I've given birth, but then I'll have a new born to worry about, so I think my carefree days are probably over lol xxx
May the 9th for me please, only 10dpo, so I'm tentatively dipping my toe in!
Congratulation Lulla Bell, I've added you to the first post. How are your symptoms? I'm really interested to hear what we're all experiencing xxx
I'm feeling very sicky, I only had nausea in waves last time.
Also my nipples are super sensitive...
How are we all?
May 5th for me please, just got my bfp yesterday x
I'm feeling very sicky, I only had nausea in waves last time.
Also my nipples are super sensitive...
How are we all?

I'm actually feeling better the last few days, other than heavy tender boobs and some cramping my symtoms have disappeared. It's got me a bit worried that my hormone levels aren't increasing as they should, but I'm trying to be relaxed and optimistic about it, only time will tell.

Congratulations Wren83! I've added you to the first post, you due date buddies with waterlilybean at the moment xxx
Sparrow I remember worrying about the loss of symptoms with my previous pregnancies, one day I'd feel really pregnant the next I'd have no symptoms at all. It's quite normal try not to worry x
Ive not had sore boobs yet, I cant remember when I got them last time, But I'm still not due on for another 3 days so its still early.
Im already getting nervous, but I'm calling the hospital tomorrow to get my first scan appointment, and my meds.
Good luck to us all <3 xx
Hi just got my BFP! Expecting baby number 3 on May 4th
Hi just got my BFP! Expecting baby number 3 on May 4th

Congratulations ChloeNat, and welcome, I've added you to the first post. how are you feeling so far?


Thanks! The sore boobs gave it away for me. Super chapped lips too . Definitely need to drink more water. Slightly sicky not a lot so far.
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Yes, my boobs are really heavy and tender too. I've not really had any nausea yet either except for a couple of waves that have passed really quickly, hoping it stays that way xxx
Yes, my boobs are really heavy and tender too. I've not really had any nausea yet either except for a couple of waves that have passed really quickly, hoping it stays that way xxx

Both of my other pregnancies my sickness started properly at 8 weeks and ended at 12. Hoping this time is the same!

Yesterday's test is on top and today's test on bottom &#9786;

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