May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

All went well today. Baby looks healthy and growing nicely. So relieved. She said the bleeding is most likely from the placenta growth because it continues to implant as it grows.


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My dating scan is on Thursday 27th at 15.50.

Can't believe I'll be having a dating scan next week! Can't believe that at the end of next week I'll be able to announce my pregnancy to everyone!! It's been nearly two years we've been trying for this baby and it feels so surreal that I might really be going to have an actual baby!!

That's great that you have the date Emily. I can't with to tell everyone either. We have waited 5 years, I don't know how we have got through it really xx
I popped to the shops...disaster!! I couldn't cope, kept getting hot and faint. Won't be doing that again for a while xx
you are all so close to 12 weeks!! ive still got 3 weeks by my dates but the Gyn said the baby was around 6/7 when they scanned me. just want a date to work too! lol xx
Thanks lisey and Emily! It's such a relief.

That's fantastic Emily. It looks like most of us will be ready to make our announcements by the end of the month. Bring on next week!
That's fab kabuk xx lovely pic too! I am really nervous about mine and it's not until 8pm!! :(
Yeah a private one because I am just so worried all the time! Just so scared of losing another baby :( X
Oh I understand. The private ones are so much nicer too as you get more time to see baby. Have you been using your doppler? xx
Great scan and great news x I know I can't wait to be able to announce it been trying what what 3 years properly nearly 8 years in total? Most know I've had 4 miscarriages it will be do weird to give good news! I know I told a few close friends after the 10week scan but soon hopefully I can shout it out loud. Then it will hit me like a ton of bricks that we might.. are... going to have another human in our household! Beats the Lizard we were going to get lol

Good luck lou x take all the scans you need it's so hard to relax especially after all you have been through x
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I've spoken very openly to everyone about my miscarriages and how long we've been trying etc. We've only told mine and oh's parents and he told his sister too. I've told my line manager and the centre manager but that's it. I'm excited to give everyone good news for a change. Can't wait to put it in Facebook and actually enjoy it all for a change!!

I don't have Facebook but my parents do so I'm sure it will end up on there lol.
I must say I too am very open about miscarriage and baby loss I think its such a shame so many go through it and feel so isolated Ive found throughout my openness so many other women have opened up to me about their experiences some woman about losses 30 years ago that they felt they haven't mourned before. I actually had a man in tears once and he reached out to hus previous partner as they split up after the loss. Speaking to me was the first time he'd addressed it and cried in the 6 years since it happened. I'm tired of it being this silent thing people don't talk about. And for thatI'm so glad I found this forum x x x
We have been open with people too, just family and friends. I don't speak to work colleagues about it all. I wish it wasn't such a taboo subject. I was watching loose women the other day and Nadia was saying she had 3 miscarriages inbetween her two children and she thinks people should announce their pregnancy as soon as they find out because people can be excited for you but also there if things don't work out, she was saying how isolating it is if nobody knows and she is right.
I still feel happier keeping it quiet from most until 12 weeks but I did see her point xx
Thanks Lou and Ery. Good luck Lou with the scan!

I've been dying to tell people but my OH doesn't want to until after the 12 week scan. I work with a small group of people in an alternative provisions unit, and since I was struggling to get through the days and have missed a few, I told those 5 people and my Crossfit coaches, although I haven't been able to go in 2 weeks now. Other than that, no one knows. Really hoping any to tell family and my best friend. I think she might suspect though. She knows we were ttc and I didn't drink at her hen do and now won't be drinking at the wedding this weekend. So wish the wedding was the weekend after the scan so I could tell her. Been trying to convince my oh, but no luck, not even with this scan.
My hubby is pretty easy going and would be happy to tell whenever I wanted to. It's been my choice not to tell this time, just because I know given my history, everyone would immediately wonder if I'll have another miscarriage and I want to tell everyone when we're out if that real danger zone. If I was to mc again then I would tell everyone about it because I think it's too important to keep quiet. I nearly caved and told my best friend earlier but then I thought, you've kept it quiet this long, you can manage another 10 days!

ive kept mine quiet only told my mum and dad and one of my friends, and my boss obv for all the appointments i have had.

the OH has told everyone i told him off for this and said to please wait until im 12 weeks, im scared something will happen and still cant believe its true, even tho ive seen the heartbeat and i know its a very small chance of MC i still have it in my head i will

feel like i will have let people down if i lose the baby and i dont want that xxxx

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