May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

Aww crap. I've got 3 little white pills to take. One is my aspirin one is my multivitamin ad one is my anti sickness. I've forgot which one I've just taken and don't want to double dose. I'm guessing double dosing the multivitamin won't harm. But what about the aspirin or cyclizine?
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I don't think the asprin will matter either as it is such a low dose. Not sure about the other.

Everyone sounds like they are having awful symptoms, I hope you are all feeling better soon.

Welcome to all the new positives and congratulations!

Stupid question, today I've had a letter with a midwife appointment, will this be my booking in? I've not arranged it or spoken to anyone so it must have been generated because I had an early scan? I'll be nearly 12 weeks if that sounds about right.
It could be booking in is usually 8-12 weeks mines at 8.
All being well I have a scan on Monday then consultant on Thursday then booking in the Thursday afterwards. Just hoping Monday goes well. Last night for a moment I swore I was miscarrying again. But erm. I had a huge fart and most the pain went lol.
Lol at the fart! I felt awful the other day and then did the same... Classy ;) Hope your scan on Mon goes well.

The letter has come with a form to fill in about family history and a booklet about testing that can be done. It says the appointment is 1.5 hours. If that is my booking in then I won't bother ringing my GP (which is what they told me to so after I had my scan!).

I'm 7+6 today eek.
PS is booking in usually done at the hospital? I was expecting to do it at my GPs.
It can be done in many places. This time mines at gp with midwife with my son it was in my house some people have theirs at hospital along side 12 week scan
Hi girls!

I'm getting the laperoscopy.

My hcg rose by 50% the last one was 55% so they've talked me into surgery to rule out ectopic!

I'm fine I'm not too sad, just hope I make it home for Charlie's birthday.

I've never had a lap before so I can tick it off my list in terms of investigations I've had.

Hi girls!

I'm getting the laperoscopy.

My hcg rose by 50% the last one was 55% so they've talked me into surgery to rule out ectopic!

I'm fine I'm not too sad, just hope I make it home for Charlie's birthday.

I've never had a lap before so I can tick it off my list in terms of investigations I've had.


Oh bless you x it's not bad, you are a bit sore after, it's better to get answers though for your own health but must be very difficult :( xx
Aww sorry this is all happening Maybe :-(

Snowbee it's probably your booking in appointment. Mine have all been at the hospital between 8-10 weeks.

I'll ask at my scan on Wednesday what happens about mw referral and whether I need to sort it myself through gp?

Feeling bloated and tender abdomen today. Hope it's because my little bubba is growing away in there.

Sorry this is happening Maybe. Thinking of you.
Morning girls!

Still in hospital, didn't have the op yesterday.

Yesterday was bloody mental.

The hospital told me to come in and have the op, mil is a doctor so she basically told me I was mental for not doing it. My mum came and picked me up and brought me here and as I was last on the list for the op (7pm) I ended up talking to lots of different consultants about my thoughts, bombarded them with loads (millions!) of questions.

The main cause for concern with them are my hcg numbers! The fact that the doubling times are slow (they call it a sub optimal rise) but what they are adamant about is that with my numbers you should see more on a scan..

However with both my previous pregnancies I've had through the roof hcg and got dates a few days behind as well.

Also according to lots of gynae books hcg follows this pattern. Below 1200, 48-72 hours doubling, over 1200 72 -96 hours doubling and over 6000 96 hours or more. I've followed this pattern.

For example Lottie's hcg was 30000 at 6 weeks and she measured 5+2 and had a yolk sac that day.

Charlie's hcg was 32000 at 6+1 and his scan showed heartbeat and fetal pole at 6+2.

What I hadn't realised was the sonographer that scanned me on Friday was a consultant I knew from my Charlie labour. I remembered her straight away yesterday and she said she'd scan me this morning.

My usual consultant is in today too so the plan is that I have a scan and then take it from there.

The aim of scan is to see the yolk sac is to rule out the pregnancy being elsewhere.

A big part of me has written this pregnancy off but if you look at the hcg numbers them I'm on par with Charlie's and Lottie's pregnancies.

It's the doubling times that are the issue but I didn't have as many later betas with them.

My usual consultant knows me and I'm sure will tell me straight if he thinks I should have the lap.

I think I'll be incredibly lucky to see something on the scan so wish me luck!!

Thinking of you maybe baby! Really hope you get some definite answers today and that you make it home for Charlie's birthday!

I had lots of cramping and dark blood yesterday. Woke to a bit of pink this morning.
I don't feel sick and my boobs don't hurt... feeling deflated!

Good luck Maybe and I'll keep everything crossed for you!

I hear you on the deflated Brighty, I just don't feel pregnant and petrified it's stopped growing again at 5 weeks like both my other pregnancies. I think I'm just going up have to book in for an early scan and pay the £55. I just need to know.

Ps saw Bridget Jones last night, it's fab you have to all go see it!
hope you get some answers today maybe!

had a horrible dream last night that I lost the baby :( so glad my scan is in 3 days so I finally know what's happening!

I need to go see the bridget Jones film! lol
Hope you get some answers maybe xx what an ordeal!

Brightly have you tested again? Hope you are ok xx

Good luck for your scan carmiebuy, the not knowing is horrendous xx

Not long now nikkki! What time is your scan?

I am still feeling rough! Think it must be the antibiotics, I am ok if led down but awful on my feet

Lou x

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