*****May 2016 Mummies*****

Some fab scan pics ladies :-)
So excited for my (second!) 12 week scan on Monday, 5 days and counting :-) then I get to book my gender scan, SO EXCITED!! Xx
So I've been asking my OH to speak to work about having Monday afternoon off for our 12 week scan.....he came home today and said it looks like he won't be able to get the time off �� he said the person he needs to speak to is off sick so he couldn't sort it today. Why does he think I've been pestering him about it for the last two weeks?!?! Men!! Xx
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I thought it was similar to us having the time off. My OHs never had an issue with time off over scans! He even got time off for the bfing class i dragged him too when i was preg 1st time around lol!

Hope he gets it off!!! Xx
I don't know, he's just so awkward about asking for any time off. I tell him about things with plenty of notice, but he aaaaalways leaves it til the last minute then wonders why he has problems getting it off?! So frustrating.
If my mum finds out he can't come, she'll pester me to come - I really can't be doing with that so I'd probably just end up going on my own (if you've seen my thread in pregnancy chat about gender scan, you'll know what I mean!!) xx
Haha i commented onthat and agreed about the porky lie of being team yellow lol!!! So dnt blame u in that one lol xx
Oh yeh, I think everyone agreed on that lol. She really does drive me nuts sometimes! Xx
I'm sure partners/fathers to be are allowed the same time off for app as us. I told (Yes told) my OH to book it off as soon as I got my app thru the post. His boss has been really good with giving him time off for apps.xx
I read that fathers are entitled to time off to attend two appointments - I'm guessing most people pick the scan dates.
I thought I'd heard/read that somewhere too. I'll have to find some info online and show it to him. He's useless at asking for things at work and standing up to himself! Xx
Yeahthis was what i meant.
I thought they were just as entitled to going as we are xx
FINALLY got my scan date, Wednesday 11th. Can't freaking wait!!

My mum bought me a lovely pregnancy journal today so been filling that in to bring me up to date. Has spaces for scan pics and photos and really is lovely. Anyone else got one?

Yes i do!
I have 'the belly book' journal.
Bought it in my 1st pregnancy so got it again for this time too :)
Oh cool. They are such a good idea. Ive got "bump to birthday" which runs right up to their first birthday. Im sure it will be lovely to look back on in years to come.
Woohoo for scan date Poispinner - and it's so close!!

I'm jealous of your girls commitment to these books. The most I managed in my sons baby book was his birth weight and day I think hahaha!! X
I never even thought of a pregnancy journal book! Will look now ��

That's great poispinner �� not long to wait mine is the 17th so not too far behind you! Got a private one booked for today and I am so nervous!! Hope I relax a bit more soon! Xx
I seen that bump to birthday!

But i disnt like the idea of all my preg info in the same book my children may want to read regarding their 1st year info lol!

Aohe has his own book that covers 2years asking 1st words, teeth etc etc.
Ill be gettig another for this baba.

The pregnancy ones r for me.
Im sure if i had a girl she may want to read them one day.
But i cant ever see Noah wanting to read about my stretch marks and cravings lol!!
That's a good point babyslog lol! Maybe just keep it for my memories. Going to get a box to put all my ivf stuff in too.

How did your scan go yesterday Lou? x
It was fab thanks Hun, little baby Dale was measuring spot on compared to last one and was kicking it's limbs and waving/punching it's little arms! Even saw its toes!!! We got some fab pics and videos on a cd rom, so worth the money and such a good price so very glad I did it now xx

Not long until your 12 week scan I bet you can't wait!! Xx

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