
Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2011
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Went shopping yesterday for my first lot of maternity wear.
Boy was I in for a surprise!
I can’t believe how shocking the maternity wear is in the stores. I’m normally an 8-10, so a little on the slim side. Tops are no problem, it’s trousers I desperately need.
1) Hardly any shops sell maternity clothing – go on-line they say
2) When a store does a selection of maternity clothing the material used is awful, they do not hang right at all. I’m pregnant, not a frump!
3) So I go for a normal pair of non-maternity trousers but a size up and they are too big round my bum and tops of legs.
4) Large stores like John Lewis or House of Fraser is fine but so expensive. M&S I was surprised at, it’s ALL on-line.
5) Finally if a store does have something I like all the size 8’s and 10’s are gone and I’m left with size 14 +. I asked if I could order and they just said “come in on their delivery day”
I eventually found a pair of maternity jeans from next. But because they have such a limited selection I have to (guess what) go on-line order some items, have it delivered to the store, try them on and if they don’t fit get money back at the store. CRAZY!!
Some of my girl friends who are already mummies just say leggins or some dresses but I look silly in leggins I have such skinny legs. Dresses are great, yes but it’s gonna be winter soon!
All the years I was TTCing I kept seeing maternity clothes. NOW... nothing, bloody typical.
Sorry for the rant, in a bad mood today!
Any other tips girls??
I was socked by how rubish they where, Matalan and Dorathy Perkins where the best for money really... but im a size 20 and so many shops stop at an 18 in maternity even to there normal clothes go up to a size 24 it was very frustrating! Luckly i found some at dorathy perkins that where really nice and im wearing leggins a size up atm lol x
dont worry hun, me and a friend of mine went to frind maternity clothes and they are all crap i'd just big a size bigger for the time being!
I just can't belive how bad the choice of maternity wear is, i am truely shocked!

Women are pregnant all the time, it's not a seasonal thing!! Why is there no good choice?

I know there must be some good maternity wear somewhere but i haven't found it yet!
The only thing I bought in a shop was a set of 2 basic tops. Everything else I found online. To be honest, though, I usually only buy online, saves time and myself from queueing for fitting rooms, one of the things I hate most in life.

Found some really nice stuff at ASOS, including a nice winter coat reduced from £90 to £25-ish.
Ive been trying to shop on ebay. Im a bit of a cheap skate and dont want to pay a fortune for stuff that im not gonna wear for long. - unfortunately this does sometimes mean that things dont fit right - but at least ive only spent a couple of pounds.

The other bonus of ebay is that there seems to be a bigger selection because its generally stuff not from this season.

I did manage to get some really nice tops in New Look the other day.

I have maternity jeans outta next and they are soooo comfy, my mum also got me a pair outta peacocks and they fit great. But apart from that its been a whole handling finding stuff, and as my bump is massive tops dont even fit properly anymore :( xxx
I have also been shocked at the poor choice available in shops. I have managed to find a few bits in New Look - their jeans are wonderful and I now have two pairs. But I have found no nice winter tops (jumpers) and I'm starting to get cold! Think I am going to have to resort to buying online but I never know what size to go for as sizes vary so much from store to store.

Ish - do ASOS clothes come up big / small? I am usually a size 8 top and 10 trouser - would I be safe going for those sizes at ASOS online?
I have also been shocked at the poor choice available in shops. I have managed to find a few bits in New Look - their jeans are wonderful and I now have two pairs. But I have found no nice winter tops (jumpers) and I'm starting to get cold! Think I am going to have to resort to buying online but I never know what size to go for as sizes vary so much from store to store.

Ish - do ASOS clothes come up big / small? I am usually a size 8 top and 10 trouser - would I be safe going for those sizes at ASOS online?
I'm a size 8, and I've been buying size 8 maternity, worked very well :D
I have also been shocked at the poor choice available in shops. I have managed to find a few bits in New Look - their jeans are wonderful and I now have two pairs. But I have found no nice winter tops (jumpers) and I'm starting to get cold! Think I am going to have to resort to buying online but I never know what size to go for as sizes vary so much from store to store.

Ish - do ASOS clothes come up big / small? I am usually a size 8 top and 10 trouser - would I be safe going for those sizes at ASOS online?
I'm a size 8, and I've been buying size 8 maternity, worked very well :D

Thanks, Ish. Think I might take a look at ASOS. :)
I know exactly how you feel hun! I got told by my local M&S that only the bigger shops sold maternity clothes. And so she names one in Hedge End. Hubby and I drove there purposefully to go to this one shop only to be told that it's all online and not in any stores! Was well cheesed off. That was an 82 mile round long trip all for nothing! :o( H&M and Dorothy Perkins sell some stuff but it's not great. :o( x
I can't find anything either, I'm size 12/14 but 5"11 and to get long maternity trousers in my size seem to hard to find! All I wanted was black combat trousers but no they don't exist! X
i got most of my stuff from george at asda or new look. am on the hunt for a chunky winter cardi to wear over my dresses but its not going very well. goin up to london next week for my bday (the ONLY bra shop i can shop at is in london so im dragging the dh in there :D) so will have a look up there for a cardi. i cant get comfy in jeans or trousers atm, so living in leggings. i just wear thick socks and knee high flat boots to keep my leggies warm :lol:
asos or topshop online, also lots of this stuff on ebay! my maternity wardrobe is leggings with long vests and cardis over the top and maternity dresses with maternity tights and a cardi..thats it! x
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New look and dp for me some mothercare also I can believe your 30 weeks positivity!!!!! 10 weeks left!!!! Xxx
I was quite impressed with the red herring range in Debenhams, small selection of items but most really lovely so I splashed out on a few bits. Got a couple of maternity dresses from next I want to return as they look awful on!!
Gap and ASOS maternity seem to work for me - both online though....

Mothercare have a range in the larger stores, but again it tends to be a bit frumpy and very expensive. I bought my bras form there and they are good, but tired on a jumper today and it was £40 and looked like a rag!

if anyone reading this is still looking try tallmaternitystore, the jeans and trousers are lush quality and i wear them everyday, 8-20 and long, if they are too long its worth taking them up as they have outlasted my others. i love them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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