maternity clothes

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2005
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Although I'm only 13 weeks I bought some maternity trousers in Dorothy Perkins as my jeans are starting to get tight. They're a nightmare!! They kept falling down all day and I got them in my normal size - a 12 even though I'm more of a 14 these days.
Can anyone recommend good maternity trousers?
topshop and next, thats where ive found some nice things although most days (99% of them) im in joggers and a vest! all those maternity clothes in my wardrobe and im slobbing it in joggers!

good luck finding something. i prefer the under bump style too, really comfy, you can waer a belt and less restricting and suffocating. you can always wear a bump band too if it cold or you dont want to become exposed!
I buy from Next and I prefer under the bump clothes too :D
I'm the opposite - I prefer over the bump because when it's under I feel the clothes dig into me. My favourite trousers are from M & S; they're not maternity but elasticated waist (probably meant for grannies) and I pull them over my bump x
I prefere over the bump too....nothing digs in at me that way. I've bought maternity trousers from Next, H&M and FunMum ( I think my least favourites were from H&M, the other two are 50/50 but finding now that the FunMum ones are little uncomfortable (tight). Thankfully with the change in weather I'm happier floating around in skirts anyway so the trousers are not so much of an issue for me. There are lots of maternity stockists though, Mothercare, Topshop, Next, Catalogues, Online stores etc....or try ebay for a few bargain prices!!
I love H&M Mama, it's so reasonable so I have bought loads of combats and tops in all different colours as well as jeans and basics like camisoles.
I find jeans are the worst culprit for falling down! I've got a pair of combats and a pair of cords, both from dorothy perkins in my usual size, and they're the most comfortable things ever :D New Look do some nice maternity clothes if your nearest store stocks them :hug:
When i first got preganant i though i would go for the under the bump style. But as you they are always falling down. I got some over the bump ones from H&M (not many places do them) and they are brilliant very good value for money.
I find that Funmum is too tight for me too. As Nicola said, I'm also glad it's warmer weather so I can wear skirts now as they're much more comfortable x
PEACOCKS! they have a great range, ive bought cropped linen trousers..long length linen trousers..denim skirts..white skinny jeans..endless tops! cheap too!

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