maternity leave


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2007
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HI everyone
Is everyone feeling like they have a baby elephant strapped to their front?
I am a teacher and I've been back to work for 1 week- it has been really hard. My class room is in the dungeon and so I have to climb 4 flights of stairs to go anywhere.
We only get 16 weeks maternity leave in Spain (divided between before and after) so in a ideal world I would want to work up to birth.(due 25th Dec hols start on 22nd Dec)
Everyone things I am mad and it won't be poss, since I am struggling already.
What are others doing about their leave?
AnnaMaria and baby bump XX
Hi Anna.... Your baja de Maternidad, should start once the baby is born. Until then, you can be on a general baja from your doctor. That will give you three months after the baby is born, but give you some time before the baby is born. If the doctor gives you a general baja it needs to be for a reason other than your pregnancy...not just because you are pregnant... So have a word with your local GP. If he is sympathetic, he might be able to give you a baja for some reason...

I'm on a general baja at the moment, and will be until I give birth. Once I give birth I will be on the baja de maternidad, for three months before returning to work.

Also you don't need to return back to work after 16weeks. You can have up to a year off, just it will be unpaid... (if your like me, you have to go back before then... :wall: ) Also once the baby is born, you are entitled to reduce your working day by an hour, if your baby is breastfed.
The problem is the doc says the trapped nerve (siatica) is caused by my rather large baby boy! will that count as something sep to maternity issues?
My friend Mati got a general baja for a twisted angle- which was fictional :rotfl:
My next docs appointment is on Thursday so I ll let you know what he says XXX
Gosh......16 weeks isn't very long at all.

I'm taking 39 weeks at 90% full pay. xxx
Yes.... we kinda get scr*wed out here... There is a big drive to get it increased to 6 months, but it doesn't look hopeful at the moment not with the current government... on the upside our new baby allowance is just a tad more generous than the one the UK government gives out.... I think the new baby allowance is about 200 quid in the UK? Ours is 2500€ :dance:

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