maternity leave


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
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I told my boss that i'd probably take my maternity leave starting around the xmas holidays..... before i told him i was pregnant he decided to get another person who does my job as my work load is ernormous... I have just seen an advert in the paper and he is asking for 2 people now.. does this mean hes not going to give me my job back after maternity leave?? i am worried now (asking in here as my boss isn't in today so i can't ask him)
Although the advert says 2, one of those may be to cover you while you're off - so a sort of temporary post..? I would have thought they would have put that in the ad tho :think: but if it needs 2 people to do the job, I would assume he's just covering himself so he's not completely screwed when you take your time off and still in need of an extra person. I'd ask him though when he's back in :)

My boss has got 2 temps in to cover my mat leave.. I must be good! :shock:
The advert says permanent for both positions... i am so worried now... great.. my high blood pressure is gonna go up now
I would doubt that it would be to replace you. If it was, they should probably have spoken to you before the ad went in, cos they'd know you're not stupid and could end up seeing the ad. Maybe I'm being too open minded but I would think maybe they've decided they need 3 ppl to do the job? I know I'd feel the same as you though.. I saw my job being advertised for someone to start a couple of weeks before I went on mat leave and I had to cagily ask my boss why.. and it was cos they needed someone extra in cos the 2 of us wasn't enough.. but they didn't tell me that and when I saw the ad I was also bricking it. Is there anyone in personnel you could ask, or whichever department do the recruitment? Or another manager?
i've spoken to the receptionist who put the ad in... she says she doesn't know.... grrrrr why did my boss have to be out of the office today.... I doubt we need 3 people cuz ive been doing this job for 6 years now alone.. why all of a sudden would they get 3people in.... ? -if they are sacking me.. then i'll take em to court.. grrrrrrr
I always thought they couldnt sack you because youve gone off on maternity leave? i wouldnt worry about it, maybe there just short staffed? :hug:
jenna said:
I always thought they couldnt sack you because youve gone off on maternity leave? i wouldnt worry about it, maybe there just short staffed? :hug:

I think theres a certain amount of paid leave and a certain amount of unpaid leave. At some point in there my mat leave changes from "you are entitled to your original job back" to "you are entitled to a job of a similar ranking and pay back", and eventually to "not officially entitled to anything back, you might get replaced, you might get lucky".

Not those words, but you get the idea. Check out your maternity policy and see what it says..
Happier now.... - just been told by one of the other managers.... my job is safe.. the reason they have applied for two people is to see which one they get the is for my senior position and one is for a junior position... - they are only going to take one on.... :-).... i can feel my blood pressure going down :-).... thanx for the advice everyone

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