Maternity Leave


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2010
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How many of you ladies in Tri 3 are on maternity leave and how many are still working? I'm still working but it's getting harder esp with this lack of sleep that is going on. Mornings are turning into a right pain in the arse. Just wondering how much longer I should stick out for.. was really wanting to go as long as I can
I'm still working, I'm only 31 weeks, but am shattered too. I was meant to be going on Mat leave next Friday, but think 7 weeks to go is a bit excessive, and my boss has asked me about staying on another month, so I'll be working until I've 3 weeks to go, not sure what to do atm, as could do with the money, but also have lots to get ready at home, and could do with the rest.
Maybe work till 37 weeks hun, just so you have a couple of weeks to rest, and prepare yourself ready for LO's arrival?
I'm still working and will be until the day I go into labour!! I'm a Childminder and can't afford to take proper mat leave so i'm having 2 weeks off once baby is born with my OH. Luckily I only have 1 part time child during July & August so I will have lots of paid days off with my boy! Plus the child is away for 2 weeks in July so I get 2 weeks paid at home with him too! :) x
im a childminder to :)

Ive just cut my children (sounds so bad haha ) ive gave up the younger children i watch just have the kids i walk to school and collect a couple of days and its working out ok tbh as im still kept busy but resting in the middle :)

Im the same as claire working til the day i cant then having a month to 2 months off then back to it x
I gave up my school run when I was 26 weeks (on my 30th!) because it meant pushing a double buggy up 2 massive hills and I physically couldn't carry on with it!

I have two 1 year olds at the moment but 1 is leaving in 3 weeks because his Mum (single parent) can't get the 2 weeks off work that i'm having after baby arrives so that just leaves me with the other 1 who doesn't come everyday and usually does 9am - 4pm and is an absolute dream to look after so i'm looking forward to a quiet few months because my books are usually full!! x
I finished at 33 weeks but have taken 4 weeks holiday so my maternity leave doesn't start until Monday coming.
I'm pleased I finished when I did as I've had plenty of time to relax and get organised for the baby. I do a little bit in the mornings and rest in the afternoons.
i finished on 12th april so quite a while ago but i had to use all my holiday. my official maternity starts on monday. xxx
Im due on the 24th July and im starting mine on the 11th July hopefully... maternity pay is so low we just cant afford it... id much prefer to be looking to go off around the 35/36 mark though! Im constantly tired and the stress of work is making me snap at people ... :( not good!
I'm at work til i'm 32 weeks as i have 6 weeks annual leave to take beforehand. I'm so tired now with not having any sleep let alone when i'm heavier and further on lol. xx
I'm starting mine on 10th June so will be 35+3, 3 weeks today :) xxx
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I'm on maternity leave now. I started it when I was just over 36 weeks. xx
i spent ages trying to work out when i should go on maternity leave!
eventually i came up with this! my maternity leave starts on the 17th july, by then i will be just over 37weeks! i have two weeks of holiday before that which starts on the 3rd july so will have 5 weeks off before due date!
this week is my last week at full hours at work, to use up holiday im taking a day off each week :) and also have the frist week off june off as holiday :) only have 5 weeks left at work now :yay:

i think your body tells you when you need to either reduce hours or stop working! just listen to your body and you'll be fine!
I'm finishing on June 16th so will be about 34 weeks - got 2 weeks holiday to use then maternity will start after that.

I CAN'T WAIT, work is mega stressful and exhausting!

I started mine at 29 weeks, not out of choice but because I'd been off 4 months prior with hyperemisis & was in & out of hospital plus I was getting bullied by my boss at work because I was ill :( really wish I could've worked longer as we are really struggling financially now :( x
I decided to take it early as I have no kids at the moment so this was my last chance to time by myself so I left at 29 weeks! :)
I planned to stop at 38 weeks but then had Ella at 35+5!
Baby is due 11th July and my maternity leave officially starts on 8th July but I will be taking leave foe three weeks before that so I will be finishig work on 19th June when I will be 36+6.

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