Maternity leave


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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was just wondering if anyone knew exactly how long you have to be working with the same company for to get maternity leave? i'd heard that it was about a year, but wasn't sure if it was exactly a year or not! if it is a year then im due 8 days before ive been there a year :wall2: might just need to keep my legs crossed and try and keep bubz up there a little longer!! :rofl:
no its as long as youve been working for the same company 26 weeks! so youll be ok! is the best website to look at. pretty sure youll be ok though! x
Is that 26 weeks by the time babys born hun? Thankyouuu! :D I'll have a wee look on that site, i had only found things on yahoo questions and everyone had said different x
you have to have worked there for 26 weeks by your 15th week of pregnancy. so if you were 15 weeks and had just worked there 26 weeks, youd be fine. but say if your 17 weeks by the time youd worked there 26 weeks, you wouldnt qualify. its all very confusing but this is it! x
If u don't qualify for maternity pay then if u have worked for 26 weeks in the 66 weeks b4 ur baby is due then ul b entitled to maternity allowance that u apply for from the government xx
I will have been at my job 11 months on my due date and im entitled to maternity pay, so im sure you will be fine!
yeah ive only been in my job 9 months and i qualify x
FlexiLexi is right, but that is SMP. some companies have maternity benefit where they pay your wage in full for a certain amount of time but I was under the impression that they could stipulate that you had to work for the company for X amount of years to qualify for this? I might be wrong though but I'm 99% sure this happened at my last place. (I should've stayed there and got full pay for 6 months!).
I think it varies from company to company. They should have a policy, so have a look or a chat with your PR manager.
Thankyou :) i didn't know about maternity allowance Emma. Manager wasn't sure about it all, so got an appointment with personel to sort it all out tomorrow, so hopefully i will be entitled to something :) xxx

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